A report found that 85% of Indian professionals are hopeful about getting promoted and receiving higher salaries in 2024.

85% of Indian professionals are hopeful for career advancement and salary increases in 2024, with many recognizing the need to upskill for new opportunities.

May 23rd 2024.

A report found that 85% of Indian professionals are hopeful about getting promoted and receiving higher salaries in 2024.
In a recent report released on Thursday, it was revealed that a majority of Indian professionals are feeling optimistic about their career prospects in the coming years. Specifically, around 85% of respondents expressed confidence in receiving promotions, exploring new job opportunities, and receiving salary hikes by 2024.

The report, conducted by Simplilearn, an online platform for digital skills training, also highlighted the importance of upskilling in today's job market. In fact, 45% of professionals stated that they recognized the need to upskill in order to stay competitive in their current company or preferred industry.

Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Simplilearn, Kashyap Dalal, emphasized the significance of upskilling by stating that a whopping 65% of respondents are actively engaging in online certification courses. Furthermore, a staggering 97% of professionals believe that upskilling will greatly enhance their career prospects by 2024.

These findings shed light on the growing demand for skills in emerging fields such as data science, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity in today's digital economy. As these industries continue to thrive, it is crucial for professionals to continuously upskill in order to stay relevant and competitive.

The survey, which included professionals from various industries, geographical locations, and career stages, also revealed the preferred methods of upskilling. 65% of respondents preferred part-time online programs or courses, demonstrating the importance of flexibility in learning options.

When it comes to specific skills, the report found that data science and business analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, program and project management, cloud computing and DevOps, cybersecurity, product management, and software development were among the most sought-after skills by professionals.

Overall, the report highlights the growing trend of upskilling in the Indian job market and the need for professionals to continuously learn and adapt in order to advance in their careers.

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