A police officer has been found guilty of misconduct for having sexual relations with a drunk person who called 999 for help.

He switched off his camera 15 mins after getting there.

February 1st 2024.

A police officer has been found guilty of misconduct for having sexual relations with a drunk person who called 999 for help.
Jordan Masterson has been found guilty of engaging in sexual activity with a member of the public while on duty. The court heard that he was a police officer who had responded to an emergency callout from a woman, referred to as female G, in the early hours of December 28, 2021. The woman had reported a disturbance but was intoxicated and emotional at the time.

During the trial, it was revealed that just 15 minutes after Masterson arrived at the woman's home, he turned off his bodyworn camera. The 28-year-old, who was serving as a probationary police constable in Widnes, Cheshire, claimed that the woman had touched his hand and stripped naked while he was on a radio call. However, the woman told police a different story. She stated that it was actually Masterson who had touched her hand and that the atmosphere changed when he did.

When the verdict was delivered after nine hours of deliberation, Masterson put his head in his hands and sobbed. The jury found him guilty of misconduct in a public office. The court heard that Masterson had engaged in sexual activity with the woman, who was drunk and had called 999 for help. The woman, who had young children sleeping in the house, expressed her disbelief and vulnerability in court, asking how this could have happened to her.

Masterson, who resigned from Cheshire Constabulary in the summer of 2022, claimed that he was powerless and that the woman had been in control of the situation. He stated that he felt confused and numb during the encounter. However, the court heard that he had returned to the woman's home after more emergency calls, denying that he had pleaded with her not to report what had happened.

The court also heard that Masterson had completed a vulnerable person's assessment form after visiting the woman's home, warning his colleagues to be cautious and attend with at least two officers in the future. This further showed his awareness of the consequences of his actions. Masterson was warned by Judge Michael Leeming that he could face a custodial sentence, and the case was adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be carried out.

After the verdict, Rosemary Ainslie, head of the CPS special crime division, expressed her hope that this conviction would reassure the public and the victim that nobody is above the law and that all offenders will be held accountable. She described Masterson's behavior as a serious abuse of the trust that the public has in police officers.

This case highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and integrity, especially in positions of authority. It serves as a reminder that nobody should misuse their power for their own gratification. Last month, another police officer was spared jail after engaging in a threesome with a fellow cop and a drunk woman in a patrol car. It is crucial that actions like these are not taken lightly and that those who break the law are held accountable.

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