A person who documented COVID-19 lockdown in China and was imprisoned has been released.

Zhang Zhan received a four-year prison sentence for the crime of inciting quarrels and provocations.

May 23rd 2024.

A person who documented COVID-19 lockdown in China and was imprisoned has been released.
Zhang Zhan, a brave and determined citizen journalist, has been released from prison after serving a four-year sentence for reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. In a video statement released on Tuesday, eight days after her sentence ended, Zhang expressed her gratitude for the support and concern she has received from people around the world. However, there are concerns about the level of freedom she has upon her release.

Zhang was convicted of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," a charge commonly used in political cases, and served her full term. On the day of her release, her former lawyers were unable to reach her or her family. In the days leading up to her release, Shanghai police had reportedly paid visits to activists and her former lawyers, causing further worry for Zhang's safety and freedom.

In her video statement, Zhang explained that she was taken by police to her brother's home on the day she finished her sentence. She expressed her gratitude for the support she has received and thanked everyone for their help. The video was shared by Jane Wang, an overseas activist who launched the Free Zhang Zhan campaign in the United Kingdom and is in contact with one of Zhang's former lawyers. However, Wang also stated that Zhang's freedom is still limited.

There were concerns that even though Zhang was no longer in prison, she would still be under strict control by the police. The United States Department of State also expressed concern over Zhang's status in the days following her scheduled release. Zhang's former lawyer, Ren Quanniu, confirmed the authenticity of the video after speaking with her family. He stated that she is not entirely free yet and is still under surveillance by the police.

During her time in Shanghai's Women Prison, Zhang went on a hunger strike and was hospitalized in 2021. Her family faced pressure from the police and were only able to speak to her over the phone. Her parents refused to speak to the media. Zhang was one of the few citizen journalists who traveled to Wuhan when it was under total lockdown in the early days of the pandemic and documented the public's life and fears surrounding the novel coronavirus.

Other citizen journalists, such as Fang Bin, were also imprisoned for documenting the early days of the pandemic. Fang was released in April 2023 after serving a three-year sentence. The topic of COVID-19 remains sensitive in China, as seen with the recent protest by the Chinese scientist who first published the virus's sequence. He was blocked from accessing his lab and has faced demotions and setbacks due to his work. Stay informed on the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, and sports updates by following us on our WhatsApp channel. No comments, no algorithms, and your privacy is protected.

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