A mother with post-natal psychosis killed her baby while out for a walk.

The woman had recently departed from the psychiatric hospital where she was being treated.

June 28th 2024.

A mother with post-natal psychosis killed her baby while out for a walk.
Hayley Macfarlane was a loving and devoted mother to her baby daughter Evelyn. However, she was also struggling with post-natal depression and psychosis. Despite seeking help and receiving treatment for her mental health, Hayley's condition ultimately led to a tragic and heartbreaking event.
The court heard that on the day of the incident, Hayley had attended a Christmas party at the mental health facility where she was being treated. Afterwards, she took her daughter for a walk in Hyde Park, which was allowed by the facility. It was during this walk that Hayley killed five-month-old Evelyn.
Just moments before, Hayley's husband had been at home preparing for his wife and daughter to join him for the holidays. Little did he know, his world was about to come crashing down.
Evelyn was a much-wanted and cherished baby, born healthy in July of the previous year. However, as time went on, Hayley became increasingly preoccupied with her daughter's well-being. She sought help and was prescribed medication, but was worried about how it would affect her baby.
The prosecution revealed that a month before the incident, Hayley had even submerged Evelyn in the kitchen sink before coming to her senses. She could not explain her actions to her husband and soon after, voluntarily admitted herself for mental health treatment.
Hayley was eventually transferred to a specialized mother and baby psychiatric unit where she responded well to treatment. However, on the day of the incident, she was assessed as doing well and was in good spirits. She even attended a Christmas party on the unit before heading out for a walk with Evelyn.
Tragically, this was the day that Hayley's psychosis took over and she killed her beloved daughter. She immediately called her husband and emergency services, confessing to the crime. In police interviews, she never denied responsibility for her actions.
Experts agreed that Hayley's psychosis was the sole cause of her actions and that she would not have killed her daughter under normal circumstances. It was suggested that she may have felt incapable of being a good mother and wanted to spare her daughter from that.
During discussions about her culpability, the prosecution stated that the harm caused by Hayley's actions was immeasurable and her level of responsibility could not be lessened.
In court, 28 references were presented from people who knew Hayley, all describing her as a gentle and caring person. Her lawyer emphasized that Hayley was a perfectionist and now understands what went wrong.
In the end, Hayley pleaded guilty to the charge of infanticide, which was accepted by the prosecution. The judge will pass sentence on Wednesday. This is a heartbreaking and tragic case, highlighting the devastating effects of post-natal depression and psychosis.

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