A Canadian couple notices a strange flashing light in the distance.

Might it be an alien spacecraft?

June 28th 2024.

A Canadian couple notices a strange flashing light in the distance.
A strange occurrence has left a Canadian couple puzzled and questioning if they may have witnessed an extraterrestrial encounter. While driving near the Winnipeg River in Manitoba, Justin Stevenson and his partner Danielle were taken aback by pulsating lights that appeared as bright as the sun. Justin, 49, described feeling like he was in a sci-fi movie as they stopped their car to get a better look at the mysterious phenomenon.

The sighting, which took place last month, was captured on video and shows two sets of bright lights hovering in the sky. Justin can be heard wondering aloud what the strange lights could be, even entertaining the idea of aliens. His partner Danielle, 32, questions if they could be flares, but the couple are ultimately left with no answers by the end of the clip.

But what could these lights possibly be? Well, it turns out that light can often play tricks on our perception, leading us to mistake ordinary occurrences for something more extraordinary. For example, back in April, a man spotted a sudden green flash on the horizon that lasted only a couple of seconds. This is a natural phenomenon that happens when light from the sun is separated and refracted by the Earth's atmosphere.

In May, residents of Boston were greeted with a strange neon blue cloud that turned out to be a cloud in front of the Fore River Bridge. And now, in June, another optical illusion seems to be at play with these mysterious lights above the Winnipeg River. As the Stevensons zoomed in on the lights, a lens flare appeared, making the lights appear stretched out. This is caused by light bouncing around in the sky, creating mirages that are often seen when particles in the atmosphere refract or bend light.

So, while the couple may have initially thought they were witnessing a UFO, it seems that they were simply experiencing a rare and fascinating occurrence caused by natural forces. It just goes to show how light can sometimes deceive us and make us question what we are seeing.

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