A man eating pizza gets hit by a fish falling from the sky.

The gull's accuracy impressed us all.

October 8th 2024.

A man eating pizza gets hit by a fish falling from the sky.
The scene at the Black Dog Oven on the Isle of Man was a lively one, with customers enjoying their delicious beef, stilton, and kale pizza. Little did they know, a surprise was about to drop in - quite literally. As they chatted and savored their meal, a seagull suddenly appeared, swooping overhead with a fish in its beak. The bird seemed to have its sights set on the customers' pizza, and with expert precision, it released the fish right onto their plate.

Naturally, the group was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. But instead of getting upset, they couldn't help but burst into laughter. As they shared in the hilarity of the situation, they quickly informed the chef of the surprise addition to their meal. The chef, Mike Wade, was just as amazed and amused as his customers. He couldn't believe the seagull's accuracy and joked about the bird's impressive aim.

With a sense of humor and a touch of generosity, Mike offered to replace the now-fishy pizza for the group free of charge. He knew that seagulls could be quite intimidating when it came to food, and he wanted to make sure his customers were taken care of. Plus, the whole situation was just too funny to not have a good laugh about.

As Mike and his staff prepared a new pizza for the group, he couldn't help but reflect on the irony of the situation. The customers had just raved about their original pizza - a special that was popular among many - and now it was covered in fish. But Mike made sure that the replacement pizza was just as special and tasty as the original. And in the end, everyone had a good laugh and enjoyed their meal, fish and all.

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