A lawmaker assisted Lehrmann with rape case, according to attorney's testimony.

Senator Reynolds attempted to assist Bruce Lehrmann during his trial for allegedly sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins at Parliament House, according to a defamation trial.

September 3rd 2024.

A lawmaker assisted Lehrmann with rape case, according to attorney's testimony.
According to statements made during a recent defamation trial, Senator Linda Reynolds attempted to assist Bruce Lehrmann during his criminal trial for allegedly raping Brittany Higgins in Parliament House. This comes as the senator is suing Higgins - her former staffer who is defending the claim - over social media posts that she believes have damaged her reputation.

Higgins' lawyer revealed that the senator had been communicating with Lehrmann's defense attorney, Steve Whybrow, before and during his aborted criminal trial. "What those 21 messages show is the senator's clear bias in favor of the accused," she stated during her closing submissions in the Western Australian Supreme Court yesterday.

She went on to explain that Senator Reynolds had even gone as far as giving Whybrow suggestions for potential witnesses and providing him with phone numbers to contact them. "Their conversations were fairly informal, with Whybrow even making references to things like 's---s going to get real soon' and 'karma comes to those who wait'," she recounted.

It was also revealed that the senator had sent Whybrow a photographic comparison between Higgins and the late Princess Diana. "Although she admitted that it was a bit catty and intemperate, it is clear that the senator was comfortable enough with Whybrow to express her annoyance about Ms. Higgins' outfit," Higgins' lawyer explained.

Furthermore, it was suggested that the senator may have been hinting to Whybrow that she had additional information that could assist Lehrmann. "It is clear that the senator's messages can only be described as an attempt to help the accused," she stated. This is particularly relevant to Higgins' defense in the Instagram story she posted in July 2023, alleging that Senator Reynolds engaged in questionable conduct during Lehrmann's criminal trial.

Higgins' defense team also highlighted the senator's previous claims of neutrality and not picking sides between her two former employees during the criminal trial. "This adds to the questionable nature of her actions, as she had previously stated that she was neutral in the matter," the lawyer stated.

Lehrmann has denied the allegations of rape, which are said to have taken place in Senator Reynolds' ministerial suite in 2019. His criminal trial in October 2022 was ultimately derailed due to juror misconduct. The defamation trial will continue today, with Higgins' lawyer presenting further closing submissions on her behalf.

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