Drunk driver pleads guilty to causing car crash that killed 3 people, including two troopers from Pennsylvania.

Webb's BAC was 2.6x the legal limit for PA.

November 25th 2023.

Drunk driver pleads guilty to causing car crash that killed 3 people, including two troopers from Pennsylvania.
Jayana Webb, a 23-year-old woman from Pennsylvania, has plead guilty to a March 2022 car crash that took the lives of three people. The court records obtained by 6 ABC confirmed that Webb was sentenced to 27-and-a-half to 60 years in prison for the crash that occurred on the I-95 highway.

Two of the victims were Pennsylvania State Troopers, 33-year-old Martin Mack III and 29-year-old Branden Sisca. The third was a 28-year-old named Reyes Rivera Oliveras. According to the authorities, the officers were placing Oliveras in the back of their police vehicle when Webb's car struck them.

The court records revealed that Webb's blood alcohol content was .211%, more than double the legal limit of .08% for the state of Pennsylvania. Furthermore, she was driving at an alarming speed of 110 mph, well over the speed limit.
Fox 29 also reported that weeks before the fatal accident, Webb appeared to have posted that she was the "best drunk driver ever."

The district attorney over the matter, Larry Krasner, released a statement following the resolution of the case. "Today's conviction of Jayana Webb is a just resolution of one of the most shocking incidents of vehicular violence in recent memory," Krasner expressed.

The tragic accident serves as a reminder of the dangers of drunk driving, and the importance of obeying traffic laws to prevent further loss of life.

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