A hotel fire, deemed impossible to survive, may have started from a vape pen.

Firefighters battled a second-floor fire at Bath Arms Hotel that started at 5:45am today.

October 2nd 2024.

A hotel fire, deemed impossible to survive, may have started from a vape pen.
Early this morning, a devastating fire swept through a hotel in Burwood, possibly caused by vape batteries. The Bath Arms Hotel was quickly engulfed in flames, with heavy smoke billowing from the building. The fire, which broke out at around 5:45am, was contained by the heroic efforts of 35 firefighters and eight fire trucks.

The hotel, a two-storey pub, suffered significant damage, with one of its accommodation rooms completely burnt out. Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Adam Dewberry expressed gratitude that no one was inside at the time of the fire, stating that it would have been impossible for anyone to survive the intense blaze.

Fortunately, the occupant of the room had already left for work, and about 20 people were safely evacuated from the building. The fire was brought under control in just 20 minutes, with no injuries reported.

An investigation by Fire and Rescue NSW revealed that the source of the fire may have been lithium-ion batteries from vapes. Multiple batteries were found on charge in the room, leading authorities to believe that they may have been the cause of the blaze.

According to Superintendent Dewberry, the occupant had left some "cheap-style" vape batteries charging in the room. He stressed the extreme flammability of these batteries, warning that they can even catch fire during a blaze, regardless of whether they were the initial source of the fire.

"These batteries are highly volatile and explosive, and can significantly intensify the fire," Dewberry cautioned.

In light of this incident, Fire and Rescue NSW issued a warning to the public, urging them to never leave lithium-ion-powered devices charging while they are asleep or away from home. This serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of these devices, and the importance of taking necessary precautions to prevent such incidents from occurring.

As the investigation continues, the hotel is left with extensive damage, and the occupant may face a hefty bill for the damages caused by the fire. We can only hope that this serves as a cautionary tale for others to be more mindful of the potential hazards of lithium-ion batteries.

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