Netflix puts documentary on hold to investigate disappearance of man associated with possible vampire group.

The show has been canceled.

August 26th 2024.

Netflix puts documentary on hold to investigate disappearance of man associated with possible vampire group.
A documentary was in the works to uncover the mysterious disappearance of George Phillip Gall, a man who vanished almost 30 years ago in Dayton, Ohio. Netflix had teamed up with director Joshua Rofé to produce a series titled "Vampire In Gem City," based on the real-life case of Gall and the possibility of a vampire coven being involved.

In 1994, Gall was last seen walking towards the Asylum nightclub after getting off a bus in Dayton. The case quickly went cold and Gall was declared deceased. However, in 2008, retired police lieutenant David Williams claimed that a bartender at the club had told him about an occult ritual that Gall had been involved in. Williams, who was working undercover at the time, described himself as a nationally recognized expert on the occult and gangs. He alleged that Gall had been beheaded and his head was sold as a relic for the occultist involved.

The nightclub was known to attract a gothic, vampire-like crowd, leading to rumors that it was the site of the second-largest coven of vampires. This sparked the idea for the documentary, which aimed to shed light on Gall's disappearance and the alleged vampire coven in Dayton.

The official logline for the documentary stated: "For the last 30 years, Dayton, Ohio has been home to the largest coven of vampires outside of New Orleans. When a man goes missing in the goth nightclub they use as their headquarters, the case goes cold until a police officer comes forward in 2008 with a story."

However, it seems that Netflix has decided to scrap the project. Gall's widow Helen and his uncle Dan Phelan recently revealed that the streaming platform had emailed them to inform them of their decision. The family had been working with the production team in 2021, with Helen hoping that the series would bring attention to her husband's case.

She stated: "I was hoping they would air it so people know what has happened to my husband so we could get the word out there. I need answers as to why they did this." Phelan added that any way to bring attention to the case would be positive.

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