A girl's skin was burned by molten plastic when a boy kicked a burning lighter at her.

After being rushed to the hospital, my legs were still red and I was shaking due to the shock of the event.

October 18th 2024.

A girl's skin was burned by molten plastic when a boy kicked a burning lighter at her.
Alyssia had been enjoying her day with friends when something unimaginable happened. A boy, who was playing with fire, carelessly threw a lighter into the flames and then kicked molten plastic towards her. The young girl, only 13 years old, screamed out in pain as the blazing materials seared through her skin. The incident took place on a playing field in St Helens, Merseyside on October 11th. Alyssia, a talented rugby player, was walking with her friends when they stumbled upon the boy and his fire. Little did she know, this encounter would leave her with severe burns and in excruciating pain.

Her mother, Laura Hutton, immediately called for an ambulance to take her daughter to the hospital after a friend helped her home. In the following weeks, Alyssia was forced to wear bandages to cover the burn marks that were still visible on her legs. The pain was unbearable, a constant reminder of the traumatic incident that had occurred. Alyssia described the incident as a big shock, stating that she never expected anything like this to happen. She vividly remembers dropping to the ground and screaming as the plastic melted into her skin. Her friends tried to help by patting the fire down, but it was too late. The damage had been done.

In the ambulance, Alyssia was still in shock and her legs were still red and burning. She couldn't stop shaking from the whole ordeal. When she arrived at the hospital, the cleaning process was painful as the medical staff had to go deep into her skin to remove the melted plastic. The thought that the boy could have lit her on fire was terrifying and she felt lucky to have escaped with just severe burns.

So far, the police have not made any arrests and are still investigating the incident. Alyssia's mother believes that the boy, who is thought to be 11 years old, deliberately kicked the molten plastic towards her. She explained that her daughter was simply walking past the fire when the boy dropped the lighter and then purposely kicked the fire at her. The fire was between two and three feet high, leaving the suspect with a full 360-degree circle to choose from. However, he chose to target Alyssia.

When Laura first saw her daughter's legs, she thought they were just dirty from playing sports. But upon closer inspection, she realized they were badly burned. She immediately put Alyssia in the shower to soothe her injuries. The black marks on her legs were actually burns, and nothing was coming off when Laura tried to clean them. She quickly called for an ambulance and Alyssia was rushed to the hospital.

Alyssia underwent a painful process of having the plastic removed from her skin and has since returned to the medical unit for further treatment. She wants her attacker to face legal consequences for his actions. Despite the traumatic experience, Alyssia has returned to school and is determined to move on from this ordeal.

Inspector Josh Griffiths from Merseyside Police has appealed for witnesses to come forward with any information they may have. He also stressed the dangers of playing with fire and the catastrophic consequences it can have. The police and fire department work closely together to educate young people about these dangers and to respond to incidents like this. Meanwhile, Alyssia and her family are looking for justice and hope that the perpetrator will be held accountable for his reckless actions.

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