February 21st 2023.
When Francesca Reed bought a Grade II listed cottage back in August 2020 she was faced with a dilemma. The age of the property was unmistakable – it has a giant brickwork 1647 covering most of one side – but it had been through so much it was hard to know what kind of renovation and style would do it justice.
At first Francesca thought it would be a case of a bit of paint and an updated floor plan, but in the end so many issues arose she ended up with just four walls and a few recoverable floor joists. The cottage had been a student residence, with a boiler behind the front door, and before that England’s premier naturist hotel, and sits on the estate where the main house is by architect Sir John Soane.
‘Imagine all the families that have passed through this cottage’s doors,’ says interior designer Francesca. ‘The house has been around for so long that it could have lent itself to lots of different styles.
‘My starting point for inspiration was in considering its historical use as a working family home. It is more of a cottage than a formal house for entertaining so I wanted the interiors to reflect that.’
The house is located just outside of Deal, in Kent, and has expansive country views and a peacefulness that can only be found in the countryside but is only two miles from the beach. After much deliberation Francesca settled upon a modern Victorian design for the interiors, with warm-hued honey-coloured walls and framed butterflies, delicate blue flowers on pink backgrounds, but without the finicalness of too many details or laden materials.
‘The idea of modern Victorian came from looking at Victorian silhouettes, turned wooden legs and deep low sofas etc but without wanting the fussiness of Victorian dark woods and oppressive heavy fabrics. The house is a box and the sun moves around and
Francesca Reed bought a Grade II listed cottage back in August 2020, but was faced with a dilemma - should she restore it to its former glory or go with a modern Victorian design? After much deliberation, she settled on a modern Victorian design with warm-hued honey-coloured walls and framed butterflies, delicate blue flowers on pink backgrounds, but without the finicalness of too many details or laden materials.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
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