A dog panicked and bit its owner's nose, which was then replaced with tattooed skin from their arm.

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July 8th 2024.

A dog panicked and bit its owner's nose, which was then replaced with tattooed skin from their arm.
The bond between a man and his loyal canine companion is often one of unwavering trust and unconditional love. Ben Horne, a 34-year-old aerospace engineer, had experienced this firsthand with his dog, Henry, who had been his faithful best friend since he was just a puppy.

However, everything changed when Ben started having night seizures after switching his epilepsy medication in 2019. One night, as he slept, his usually reliable pet was spooked by his unusual behavior and lashed out, leaving Ben without a nose and causing severe damage to his face.

When Ben woke up, he found himself surrounded by blood and realized the extent of the damage. He managed to call for help, and was rushed to the hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries to reconstruct his face. The injuries were so severe that it took ten surgeries and over a year for Ben to even begin the process of rebuilding his face.

The surgeries involved using healthy skin from his forearm and forehead to graft onto his face, as well as bones from his ribs. However, due to his tattooed skin, the results were not seamless, and Ben had to use makeup to conceal the patchwork effect. Despite the challenges, Ben tried to maintain a sense of humor, joking that he now had a "tattooed nose" on the inside.

After the incident, Henry was rehomed, and Ben had to come to terms with his new appearance. It was a difficult journey for him, as he struggled with stares from people and found it hard to accept his changed appearance. However, he persevered and underwent multiple surgeries, including one where skin from his forehead was used to cover the previously grafted tattooed skin on his nose.

Unfortunately, there were more obstacles along the way, including his surgeon leaving midway, causing delays in his surgeries. But with the support of the Exeter plastics team, Ben was able to complete his surgeries and is now slowly starting to accept his new appearance.

Despite the challenges he faced, Ben remains positive and is now using his experience to raise awareness and funds for both Exeter Plastic Surgery and Epilepsy Action. He is participating in two Tough Mudders and two 50k races, determined to give back and help others who may be going through similar struggles.

As for Henry, the beloved pet who had caused the accident, he was rehomed and is now happy with his new family. Ben holds no grudges and is grateful for the support he received during his difficult journey. He continues to move forward, determined to embrace his new self and make a positive impact on those around him.

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