A black woman's backing of Trump leaves people baffled.

Many viewers were embarrassed and flooded the comments section with their concerns.

April 11th 2024.

A black woman's backing of Trump leaves people baffled.
A video has been making the rounds on social media, showing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump engaging in a surprising and interesting interaction with a Black woman. It happened during a surprise visit to a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Atlanta, where the place was bustling with young voters. One of these voters took the opportunity to express their support for Trump ahead of the 2024 election.

The unidentified woman, in a powerful moment, proudly listed the historically Black colleges and universities in the area, showing her connection to the community. She then boldly declared her support for Trump, despite what the media may say. The crowd erupted in applause, and Trump, touched by her words, reached out for a hug. Cameras were quick to capture the moment, which has since gone viral.

During their brief encounter, Trump boasted about all the work his administration had done for HBCUs, claiming that they were now being taken care of. He also criticized the Biden Administration for not doing enough for these institutions. However, some of the students in the crowd started to speak up, voicing their concerns and struggles. This sparked a flood of comments online, with many speculating that Black people were supporting Trump because of the stimulus checks his administration provided during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One Instagram user pointed out how Trump had famously said he loves the poorly educated, and this encounter seemed to prove it. Others, like podcast host Flame Monroe, believed the whole thing was staged and that the woman who hugged Trump was paid for the act. Despite the mixed reactions, Trump continued to make his presence known, ordering 30 milkshakes and chicken for everyone in line, and chatting with the all-Black staff.

This visit to Chick-fil-A was part of Trump's trip to Atlanta, where he attended a fundraiser in the upscale neighborhood of Buckhead. It was his first time in Fulton County since securing the Republican nomination. As soon as he arrived, he wasted no time in addressing the media, specifically mentioning Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Trump criticized her involvement in the 2020 election interference case and claimed she had been discredited.

According to Atlanta News First, Trump stated that Willis should not be handling the case and that it was a big insult to Georgia that it was still ongoing. His words caused quite a stir, especially in a city that has been at the center of a heated political battle. But for Trump, this was just another day in the life of a former President who continues to make waves wherever he goes.

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