A 2-year-old girl was able to open her eyes for the first time after undergoing a life-changing surgery for a rare condition.

The family traveled to Spain for the operation.

March 27th 2024.

A 2-year-old girl was able to open her eyes for the first time after undergoing a life-changing surgery for a rare condition.
Caption: Toddler sees her parents for the first time after life-changing surgery

Meet Lily Etherton, a 2-year-old girl who has just experienced a miraculous transformation. Lily was born with a rare condition called Blepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome, which caused her to have droopy eyelids and limited vision. But thanks to a life-changing corrective surgery, Lily can now open her eyes fully for the first time.

Lily's mother, Ashley, shared their journey on TikTok, explaining how her daughter's condition affected her daily life. As she grew older, Lily would often bump into things and get hurt because she couldn't see properly. At just seven weeks old, she had her first surgery, which improved her vision for a short period of time. However, doctors said they would have to wait until Lily was older to repeat the procedure, causing developmental delays and vision impairment.

Determined to help their daughter, Lily's parents found a surgery in Spain that was willing to perform the operation. After six months of fundraising, they were able to raise enough money for the £15,000 surgery, flights, and some extra funds. The family was overwhelmed with the support they received from their community.

And the surgery was a success! Lily can now see her parents for the first time ever. Ashley shared the heartwarming moment when they removed Lily's bandages, and she saw her mother's face for the first time. "She was confused, excited, and angry all at the same time because it was bright in the doctor's room," Ashley said with a smile. "But she looks wonderful now, and her personality has completely changed. She's sassier, sillier, and more energetic than ever before."

For Lily and her family, this surgery was truly life-changing. They are grateful for the support and love they have received throughout their journey. Lily's future is now brighter than ever before, and she can continue to grow and learn with her newfound sight.

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