Many people have a strange fetish related to udders, but they are too scared to openly express it.

Fetish's taboo nature increases its allure.

March 28th 2024.

Many people have a strange fetish related to udders, but they are too scared to openly express it.
It may come as a surprise, but erotic lactation is actually quite common. While many may associate breastfeeding with babies, there are a significant number of adults who enjoy it for different reasons. Recently, a woman on Reddit shared her insecurities about her newfound kink, explaining that she finds lactation to be a turn-on, but feels weird about it herself. Her boyfriend often jokes about drinking her milk, and she wonders if he shares her fantasies.

Despite comments from others saying that her boyfriend is clearly hinting at his own interest, she's afraid to tell him about her desires because she's not entirely comfortable with them. However, it turns out that becoming aroused by breastfeeding is not unheard of. In fact, it has been referenced throughout history, with some even claiming that it can strengthen the sexual bond between married couples. More recently, a bar in Tokyo's red-light district was reported to sell breast milk to customers, and online communities dedicated to the fetish have hundreds of thousands of members.

For some, this kink helps them feel closer to their partner. According to Annabelle Knight, a sex and relationships expert at Lovehoney, common fantasies include role-playing where one partner acts as the nursing mother and the other as the baby. Others may enjoy suckling themselves or watching porn featuring lactating women. However, this fetish is usually acted out through consensual role-play, using props such as lactation-themed lingerie or adult breastfeeding equipment.

Psychologically, there are several factors that may contribute to an interest in erotic lactation. Annabelle explains that some theories suggest that the nurturing and motherly aspect of breastfeeding can evoke feelings of intimacy and trust, making it appealing in a sexual setting. Additionally, societal taboos surrounding breastfeeding and the taboo nature of the fetish itself can make it even more exciting.

Very little research has been done on the prevalence of this kink, but a 2005 survey by The Sunday Times found that 25% to 33% of married men have suckled their wife's breasts. Annabelle notes that people of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds may have this fetish, but those with a fascination for nurturing behaviors or maternal attributes may be more inclined to explore it. However, due to its association with babies and pregnancy, it can also be a source of shame for some.

Joel and his wife, who enjoy erotic lactation, stress that it's not about adult nursing or pretending to be an infant. According to Joel, there may be psychological triggers for some fetishes, but for him personally, it's simply a highly erotic and pleasurable act. So, if you have an interest in exploring this with your partner, how do you bring it up?

Annabelle emphasizes the importance of honesty and sensitivity in this conversation. It's best to choose a private and comfortable setting to discuss it, and approach the topic without judgment. Start by expressing your feelings and desires, and be prepared to answer any questions or address any concerns your partner may have. Communication is key in any relationship, especially when exploring different sexual interests.

On the other hand, if your partner reveals that they are aroused by breastfeeding, it's important to be sensitive to their vulnerability. They may have been hesitant to share this with you, and it's normal and healthy to have different desires. Ask questions to gain clarity and communicate your own thoughts and boundaries honestly. If you're not comfortable fulfilling your partner's fantasies, try to find a compromise or alternative that works for both of you.

You may be wondering how this fetish can be indulged in outside of the typical time frame after a woman has a baby. Well, some people can continue to produce milk after weaning if their breasts are continually stimulated. Others may try to induce lactation through massage or medication, but Annabelle recommends safer and more consensual methods such as role-playing, using props or costumes, and incorporating lactation-themed erotica or media.

Most importantly, always communicate openly with your partner and practice safe and consensual sex. Do you have a story to share about your experience with erotic lactation? We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at [insert email].

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