81-year-old man arrested for terrorizing neighborhood with slingshot.

For almost a decade, a number of people were targeted by a slingshot-wielding criminal.

May 27th 2024.

81-year-old man arrested for terrorizing neighborhood with slingshot.
A senior citizen, aged 81, has been taken into custody by the police for causing chaos and fear in a neighborhood in southern California. After a thorough investigation, it was uncovered that for almost a decade, this man had been terrorizing the community with a slingshot. The Azusa Police Department released a statement stating that numerous citizens had fallen victim to the serial slingshot shooter during this time.

According to the statement, the suspect is believed to have caused damage to windows and car windshields, and even narrowly missed people by shooting ball bearings from his slingshot. The situation was so alarming that an urgent search was conducted for a woman who had given birth near an inner Sydney river. Fortunately, no injuries were reported from these incidents.

The suspect was finally apprehended on Thursday after the police obtained a search warrant for his home in Azusa, which is located about 40 kilometers away from Los Angeles. During the search, officers found a slingshot and ball bearings, solidifying their suspicions. Azusa police Lieutenant Jake Bushey revealed that their investigation revealed that most of the ball bearings were shot from the suspect's backyard.

In an interview with the Southern California News Group on Saturday, Bushey stated that they were not aware of any motive behind the suspect's actions, other than causing malicious mischief. The suspect is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday to face the charges against him. Thankfully, the community can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the perpetrator responsible for their years of fear and destruction has been brought to justice.

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