50 Cent has been a billionaire since 2007, according to him.

50 Cent has been a billionaire for some time, but his wealth is invested in providing jobs with full salaries for his staff.

April 16th 2023.

50 Cent has been a billionaire since 2007, according to him.
The Queens-bred entrepreneur 50 Cent is living a life of wealth and success. This week, he opened up about his financial success, revealing to the public that he's been a billionaire since 2007. During an interview on The Enthusiast Podcast, he shared that he's been able to touch a billion for years, even though he often spends money on his employees, providing them with full salaries.

“So when they financially say, ‘Oh, you’re a billionaire, this person is a billionaire,’ it’s like, ‘I’ve been a billionaire since 2007. I’m that far from where I came from that I’ve been a billionaire financially because everybody around me is being paid,” 50 Cent said. “Resources that I compensate for people to be there, and I really don’t see things that I want that I can’t go get it.”

The rapper has a unique perspective on life and business, viewing givers and takers as part of his journey to technical billionaire status since 2007. With his impressive hustle game, it's no surprise that he's achieved such success. His music career, television series, liquor, water, and books, as well as his time as a boxing promoter all contribute to his wealth. It's clear that 50 Cent is a billionaire, and he's hustling hard to stay that way.

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