5 workplace success tips from entrepreneurial couple.

Highlighting the success of Black entrepreneurs Raphael and Opeyemi Sofoluke in their book on achieving success in the workplace during #NationalBlackBusinessMonth.

August 7th 2024.

5 workplace success tips from entrepreneurial couple.
The dynamic duo of Raphael and Opeyemi Sofoluke have set out to make a difference in the professional world for Black individuals. As successful entrepreneurs and business moguls, they have come together to write a book called "Twice As Hard" which aims to provide valuable tips and insights on how to thrive in the workplace and stand out from the crowd.

Raphael, known for his popular networking events such as the UK Black Business Show and UK Black Business Week, is no stranger to pushing boundaries and creating opportunities for Black professionals. Meanwhile, Opeyemi, who currently holds the role of diversity and inclusion lead at Facebook, brings her knowledge and expertise to the table. Together, they make a perfect team to take on the challenge of writing a handbook for Black professionals.

In an interview with Business Insider, Raphael expressed that they were inspired to write this book because they themselves did not have a guide to turn to when they were starting out in their careers. As young adults, they faced the struggle of navigating through predominantly White spaces and were determined to share their experiences and insights with others.

The book features contributions from 40 successful Black men and women, including the one and only Matthew Knowles, father of the iconic Beyoncé. It covers a range of topics and offers valuable advice on how to succeed in the workplace as a Black professional. Here are the top five takeaways from "Twice As Hard":

Firstly, it is crucial for Black professionals to build their personal brand early on in their career. Raphael stresses the importance of projecting your own self-image as there is evidence that non-Black colleagues may hold racial stereotypes about their Black counterparts, whether intentionally or unintentionally. "A lot of the problem is that, as Black professionals, a brand is already created for us in the workplace," Raphael explains. "So, if you do not create your own brand, you will be given your own brand."

According to Bianca Miller-Cole, entrepreneur and founder of personal branding consultancy Be Group, one of the biggest challenges for a Black person in a new job is to prove themselves and disprove any stereotypes that colleagues may have about them.

Furthermore, the Sofolukes emphasize the importance of having confidence in oneself. Due to the persistent stereotypes surrounding Black individuals in the workplace, it is essential to back yourself and your abilities. The book highlights the need for not only working hard but also vocalizing the value of your work within the organization. This may feel uncomfortable, especially as a minority in the workplace, but self-advocacy is crucial for success.

Kenneth Gibbs, a marketing executive at Amazon, shares his wisdom in the book, stating "never assume that your work will speak for itself, especially in an environment where there is potential to be overlooked."

Another significant takeaway from the book is the importance of bringing your authentic self to work. Opeyemi encourages Black professionals to be true to themselves and not let societal norms or expectations hinder their growth and progress. "We each have multiple social identities, and how we draw on these identities is dependent on the environment and situation in which we find ourselves," she writes. The book acknowledges that entering a corporate setting may be intimidating for Black individuals, and it is natural to feel insecure about how colleagues perceive them. This is especially true for Black women, who may struggle with pressure to conform to certain beauty standards, such as changing their hair.

Trina Charles, an influencer, shares her experience in the book, stating that "the corporate world, for the most part, does not permit a lot of self-expression of Black women, or men, and that's just the reality. So it's either you show up or you don't." She encourages Black professionals to embrace their authentic selves and not shy away from being true to who they are.

The Sofolukes also stress the importance of combining a strong work ethic with networking and building genuine relationships. They assert that while working hard is crucial, it must be coupled with the ability to network and establish oneself as a thought leader in the organization. "An individual can work hard and build a reputation as the go-to person or the problem solver for their department, but if the individual is not considered a thought leader, or is not seen as someone who can drive organizational strategy, then an opportunity to progress can easily be missed," Opeyemi writes.

Lastly, the book highlights the significance of having a sponsor and a mentor. While mentors may provide guidance and support, sponsors are considered to be career accelerators. The Sofolukes believe that having a sponsor is more critical to success than having a mentor, as they have the power to clear away any obstacles that may hinder one's progress. In order to attract a sponsor, the couple suggests showcasing your performance, potential, and passion. "When a sponsor decides to invest in you, they do so because of what they believe you can be, and not necessarily because of what you are today - they see greatness in you, and it's that greatness that they want to nurture," Opeyemi explains.

In conclusion, "Twice As Hard" is a must-read for all Black professionals who are looking to excel in their careers. It not only offers valuable advice and insights but also serves as a source of inspiration and motivation. As we celebrate Black Business Month in 2024, let us remember the contributions and efforts of individuals like the Sofolukes, who are paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse professional world.

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