5,000 chickens in Odisha's Pipili culled due to bird flu outbreak.

5,000 chickens culled in Pipili over last two days due to bird flu scare in Odisha. A team of 13 members has been formed to prevent further spread of the virus.

August 25th 2024.

5,000 chickens in Odisha's Pipili culled due to bird flu outbreak.
In the city of Bhubaneswar, a concerning situation has arisen. It has been reported that approximately 5,000 chickens have been put to death in the town of Pipili within the past two days due to the threat of avian influenza in the state of Odisha. To prevent the spread of this viral infection to other areas, a team of 13 individuals has been formed to carry out the mass culling of the infected birds in the region. This is just the beginning, as it has been announced that a total of 20,000 chickens from 54 different farms in Pipili will need to be put to rest within the next 15 days, according to officials.

The decision to take such drastic measures was made after a livestock inspector visited the area and discovered the presence of the avian influenza virus. Understandably, there is growing resentment among poultry farmers in the region. They are demanding proper compensation before the mass culling of their chickens takes place. In fact, some farmers are so upset that they have threatened to stop the culling entirely if they do not receive fair compensation beforehand.

One such farmer, Sushant Kumar Das, expressed his frustration by stating, “I have taken loans from various sources and have invested a significant amount of Rs 3 lakh into my poultry farm. If my chickens are to be culled, who will provide me with the necessary compensation?” Clearly, this situation is causing financial strain on these farmers and they are seeking proper reimbursement.

On the other hand, the Fisheries and Animal Resources Development Department has assured the farmers that they will indeed receive compensation in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Central and State governments. It is hoped that this will bring some peace of mind to the farmers who are facing such a difficult situation. Only time will tell how this bird flu scare in Odisha will be resolved.

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