23-yr-old Nikeetaa Takkale is a sensation in motorsport racing in Pune, India.

October 4th 2023.

23-yr-old Nikeetaa Takkale is a sensation in motorsport racing in Pune, India.
23-year-old rally driver Nikeetaa Takkale has become one of India’s most promising young talents in recent years. At the age of 21, she began her professional career in rally driving and has amassed an incredible 99 trophies in just two years. This includes the prestigious motorsport award for emerging Indian women in 2022.

Nikeetaa’s upcoming participation in the Asian Pacific Rally Championship as the sole female driver representing India has served as an inspiration to aspiring female drivers everywhere. She was born and raised in a “not-so-conventional” environment and initially had many career paths to choose from. But it wasn’t until her visit to an autocross event in Pune that her passion for motorsports was ignited.

At the event, she encountered coach Chetan Shivram who encouraged her to give autocross a try. Nikeetaa recalls, “I instantly fell in love with it.” With around 70 trophies won in a year, it quickly became clear she had made the right choice.

Motorsports in India is often associated with the affluent due to its high costs. But Nikeetaa argues that the only thing you truly need is the courage and confidence to handle a sports car. She is optimistic that the sport will become more accessible, allowing more people to participate.

Aside from being a qualified cosmetologist and fashion designer, Nikeetaa now dedicates herself to inspiring youth, particularly girls, to take up motorsports. Her goal is to compete in the World Racing Championship next year, following her participation in the APRC in Indonesia in November. She remarked, “Motorsport has provided me with the thrill to pursue it long-term. I have many goals to achieve.”

Unfortunately, motorsports still has a long way to go in becoming a more inclusive environment. Nikeetaa emphasizes the need for equal opportunities, saying, “You simply need to provide equal competition.” When asked if she has faced additional challenges as a woman in her racing career, she responded, “I’ve never had to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. My aim has always been to excel in whatever I do. That’s how I’ve continued to achieve and will keep doing so.”

The sport has also taught Nikeetaa to be optimistic in the face of adversity. She explains, “In sports, not everyone can win every day. The key is to remain confident that the next day will be yours. I’ve learned to be more optimistic and turn any adversity in my favour.”

Nikeetaa’s remarkable success in such a short span of time is an inspiration to everyone, and she has become a positive role model for aspiring female drivers. Through her inspiring story, she hopes to encourage more people to take part in motorsports and show that anyone can succeed if they have courage and confidence.

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