Your tarot horoscope for the upcoming week will tell you what to expect.

Weekly forecast: Expect weather changes throughout the week.

December 31st 2023.

Your tarot horoscope for the upcoming week will tell you what to expect.
It's a brand new week and it's finally 2021! This is a great time to start something new and take steps towards something you feel needs your effort. But what should you focus on? Let your tarot cards guide you!

Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The Empress is your tarot card for the week. This means that you should start by looking close to home. Make your home and hearth a cosy, safe, and welcoming space. If you’re thinking of a project or a move, this is the time to start. Additionally, this card can also signify pregnancy, so if that’s something you’re looking forward to, don’t delay.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
The Eight of Cups is your tarot card for the week. It is time to take a life lesson and consciously cut off something that has disappointed you and hasn’t panned out. Take the experience and move on. This is a teachable moment.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
The High Priestess is your tarot card for the week. Take some time to rest, recharge, and reflect. Listen to the whispers of the Universe and get insights into what truly matters and where to focus.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23)
The Nine of Wands is your tarot card for the week. Pick your toughest task and run at it head-on. The obstacles will disappear and you’ll be successful. Avoid overthinking and just let it happen.

Leo (July 24 to August 23)
The Six of Wands is your tarot card for the week. Good luck, success, and new opportunity are all headed your way. Lean in and make moves, and you’ll come out smiling.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)
The Three of Swords is your tarot card for the week. Focus on a tricky relationship situation or issue and work on resolving it. You have the skills and the shrewd perception to do this. Tackle it head-on and you’ll make it through.

Following your tarot cards is a great way to start off the new year and get the best out of it. So, make sure to check out the links for more information on how to make the most of being an Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, or Virgo.
It's a new week, and that means a new opportunity to make the most of this fresh start. The start of January has been especially positive; Mercury turns direct on the first, and Mars is moving into Capricorn on the 4th.

Although it's still the dead of winter, this is a great time to get a new plan off the ground. Make sure you don't waste your energy; use the tarot to help guide your decisions.

Aries, the tarot card for you this week is The Empress. It's time to focus on your family and loved ones. Think of what could make your home and hearth feel cozier and safer. Could you start a project to make your home more inviting? This card can also signify pregnancy, so if that's your goal, get ready to take action.

Taurus, this week is all about learning from the situation. The tarot card for you is the Eight of Cups, which signifies natural endings. If something has disappointed you, that's okay; it's time to pivot and start something else. But remember to take the time to reflect and extract the experience.

Gemini, the High Priestess card is for you this week. This is the time to be still and reflective. Listen closely and pay attention to the whispers of the universe. You don't have to rush to make something happen.

Cancer, the Nine of Wands is your tarot card. Pick the hardest task on your list and don't hold back. The universe is backing you and you can accomplish more than you think.

Leo, the Six of Wands is your tarot card. It's a good week for you, with good luck and success coming your way. Focus on what you're good at and what you have already achieved.

Finally, Virgo, your tarot card is the Three of Swords. It's time to tackle a tricky situation in a relationship. Use your skills to make sense of what has been lost, and don't shy away from discussing feelings, hopes, and fears. You are the one who can resolve this.

No matter what your sign is, the tarot is here to guide you this week. Make the most of it and take advantage of this fresh start.

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