Young councillor faced intense hatred for giving school a pride flag.

I was called a "paedophile" for discussing sexuality in an educational setting.

September 21st 2023.

Young councillor faced intense hatred for giving school a pride flag.
Connor McManus, the 24-year-old Midlothian councillor who was named 'Young Councillor of the Year' in 2022, has detailed the 'disgusting' abuse he has faced as an openly gay official.

Two years ago, he was elected to represent Penicuik, a town on the west bank of the River North Esk. His goal was to bolster LGBTQ+ representation in Scottish local government.

But it appears his efforts have not gone unnoticed - by those who oppose LGBTQ+ rights, that is. McManus says he has been subject to homophobia both online and in person almost daily.

The abuse intensified when he gave a local school an LGBTQ+ pride flag. The school had achieved charter accreditation from LGBT Youth Scotland, a scheme designed to promote equal treatment of all students, regardless of sexual orientation.

McManus was invited to take a photograph with students and teachers to celebrate, which was later posted on social media. But his gesture was met with hateful comments, with trolls calling the pride flag an 'abomination'.

Even when McManus is out in public with his partner, the homophobia continues. He says it feels like his choice to express his sexuality has been taken away.

In spite of the hate, McManus is determined to make a difference. As the council's equality spokesperson, he is working to educate local officials about how to treat women fairly, and to make 'care-experienced' a protected characteristic.

He also wants to encourage more LGBTQ+ people to get involved in politics. Anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes in Scotland have more than doubled in the last decade, and McManus hopes that more diverse perspectives at the table will help make a positive change.

'I love my job and I love my community,' he said. 'The positives far outweigh [the hate]. The positive change that you can do in a job like this is unbelievable.'

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