Xbox trying to control fallout from leaked info, comparing Star Citizen and Starfield, and xCloud praised.

Readers worry video games are too expensive, while another enjoys Resident Evil 4.

September 21st 2023.

Xbox trying to control fallout from leaked info, comparing Star Citizen and Starfield, and xCloud praised.
How worried should they be? Recent letters to the Thursday page have expressed concern that video games are becoming too expensive as a hobby. At the same time, gaming fans have been enjoying the latest Resident Evil 4 installment.

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When it comes to the controversy surrounding the Microsoft leaks, it's hard not to laugh at Phil Spencer's attempts to downplay the situation. He tries to pass it off as "old news" and "not our real future plans". It's almost like the Monty Python sketch with the Black Knight, "Tis but a scratch!" He's acting like the leak is nothing, but in reality, it can have serious repercussions on Microsoft's future plans.

At this point, it looks like Sony has taken the lead in the next-gen console race. Microsoft must be frustrated as they go through the leaked information, while Sony is undoubtedly celebrating. It's certainly been an intriguing week for gamers!

Portable gaming has become a great option for gamers who can't always commit to a console. With xCloud, gamers can play anywhere, which is especially helpful for gamers with young children or those who work during late hours. The touch controls are also quite convenient for certain games. One reader even mentioned Vampire Hunters as a great example.

Unfortunately, with all the news surrounding the leaks, we're left wondering if xCloud will survive a future profitability purge. We can only hope that it does, as it's really made Game Pass worth it for many gamers.

For some, console gaming is becoming ridiculous. Developers are creating unfinished products and hiding the rest of the game behind microtransactions, making it all about the financial gain. Plus, there's a lack of creativity when it comes to new games. We're seeing a lot of rehashes of existing games and genres, with no fresh, innovative ideas.

Finally, with all the Starfield and No Man's Sky hype, we can't help but wonder what happened to Star Citizen. It was supposed to be the next big thing, but now it's nowhere to be seen. It's been in development for over a decade now and it's still nowhere close to launch.

It's certainly an exciting time to be a gamer! With all the news and rumors floating around, we can only wait and see what the future holds.
How worried should gamers be? This week's Thursday letters page raised the issue of whether video games are becoming too expensive as a hobby. A reader had also just enjoyed Resident Evil 4. To join in the discussion, readers can email our team.

The news of Microsoft's leaked plans has been particularly interesting. Phil Spencer is trying to play it down as ‘old news’ and ‘not our real future plans’. It’s almost like he is trying to convince himself as much as anyone else. I can only imagine how the person responsible for the leak must have felt when they were called into the office! It’s like the Black Knight in the Monty Python sketch: ‘Tis but a scratch!’.

The Microsoft leaks have given Sony a head start in the upcoming console wars. They must be delighted to have seen Microsoft's plans first-hand and can now adjust their own strategies accordingly. It's certainly been an eventful week.

Portable gaming, such as Xbox's xCloud, has been an enjoyable experience for many gamers. When a one-year-old is asleep, xCloud allows gamers to continue their game in quiet, without a big TV light waking them. Earbuds and Bluetooth-connected controllers enhance the experience further. It's also great for night shifts and some fun games, like Vampire Hunters, make use of the touch controls.

But this portable gaming convenience comes at a cost. Many gamers are concerned that xCloud won't survive any future profitability purges. It's been great for Game Pass subscribers, so here's hoping it can be sustained.

Back to the Thursday letters page - many gamers are fed up with the high prices of big games. It's like developers have simply got used to selling an unfinished product or a reskinned existing game at the highest possible premium price. And then hiding the rest of the game behind microtransactions. With Starfield being the latest example, gamers are frustrated that developers expect them to invest 100 hours before they can get into the game. Plus, where's the creativity for new games? It's all arena shooter, arena shooter, arena shooter.

Finally, the question of Star Citizen was asked. It was once hyped as the next big thing until Starfield came out. Now, it seems to have dropped off people's radar. With its $500 million budget and over a decade in development, it's still nowhere near an official launch.

It's certainly an interesting time to be a gamer right now. We've seen leaks, debates, and discussions this week. To join in the conversation, email us your comments.

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