Xbox showcase praised, Summer Game Fest duration debated, and The Wind Waker remake anticipated.

Monday's letters page reviews the weekend's two events and a reader wishes for Hollow Knight: Silksong to be featured in the Nintendo Direct.

June 10th 2024.

Xbox showcase praised, Summer Game Fest duration debated, and The Wind Waker remake anticipated.
The recent Xbox showcase has been the talk of the town, with many praising it as one of their best showcases yet. Meanwhile, the Monday letters page has been abuzz with discussions and opinions about the weekend's two showcases. One reader even hopes for the appearance of Hollow Knight: Silksong at the upcoming Nintendo Direct.

I must say, Xbox has certainly learned to put on a fantastic show. While everyone expected Sony's showcase to be a disappointment, at least Astro Bot caught my eye. However, I couldn't recall anything from the Summer Game Fest that piqued my interest. Surely, there were some good games in there, but nothing truly stood out. And that final game they revealed seemed like a paid promotion, correct?

The Summer Game Fest felt like it dragged on forever, and I have no intention of watching it again. In contrast, Xbox's showcase was shorter but had just as many games, if not more high-profile ones. Some may argue that they're simply buying their success, but at least they've learned to utilize their developers effectively.

Although, I couldn't help but laugh at the cringeworthy and insincere segues to the executives. They were, without a doubt, the worst parts of the showcase.

One interesting point to note is that Xbox didn't showcase a single live service game. Also, I don't recall seeing any Japanese games, so I guess the rumor about Blue Dragon was false. Unless there was another RPG that I missed?

Overall, the showcase was excellent. It seems like they've taken a page out of Sony's book from years ago, and now it's time for Sony to do the same. I can't think of any other Xbox showcase that could even come close, except for last year's.

That's the way to do it! The Xbox showcase was top-notch, and I have to give credit where it's due. That's how showcases should be done, and that's how they used to be done. I can't fathom what Sony is up to now. It feels like they're not even trying anymore, and it's as if they've run out of money and are just coasting along.

I say this not only as a PlayStation 5 owner but also as someone who doesn't own an Xbox and doesn't have a strong interest in the games they showcased. They still seem to be stuck with the ShooterBox image, and bringing back Fable doesn't make sense to me. But that's beside the point. They had games to showcase, they looked visually stunning, and there was minimal time-wasting. Regardless of whether one cares about the games or not, the showcase was flawlessly executed.

I do agree that their decision to not talk about multi-platform games is just delaying an awkward conversation. However, in their attempt to outshine Sony in terms of showcasing their lineup and giving fans something to look forward to, Microsoft hit the bullseye.

I couldn't help but notice that the Summer Game Fest was quite boring. I knew some things had been leaked beforehand, but I didn't realize they were all the exciting bits. I sat through the entire two-hour showcase, and by the one hour and 30-minute mark, I was struggling to stay engaged. I kept hoping they would save something good for the end, but it ended with another Monster Hunter and a Soulslike game that I've never heard of.

The host kept saying that the future is in indie games, but it seemed to me like they didn't have any impressive titles to showcase. And what was the point of revealing Civilization 7 when it was just a pre-rendered teaser and Sid Meier telling us to tune in later for something substantial? Nevertheless, there was some Inbox magic for the reader who had requested it just the day before.

I couldn't agree more with the Reader's Feature suggesting The Wind Waker as the next Zelda remake. I particularly appreciate the mention of its incredible dungeons, and I would love to see the game recreated as it was originally intended instead of the rushed version that was released.

Just imagine how much better it would be with all the extra content added in! However, I doubt Nintendo would do it, as it would mean acknowledging that the original version had flaws. But one can only hope.

Maybe this could also pave the way for more games with that art style. We did get a few on the DS, but then they stopped, which is a shame. If it were up to me, each timeline would have a different art style.

The Summer Game Fest was quite impressive, lasting two hours and showcasing so many games. However, it was also incredibly dull. Apart from the Alan Wake 2 DLC, I struggle to remember anything else that stood out. The Blumhouse Games segment was the highlight for me, but it's hard to tell if the games they showcased are any good.

These showcases have gotten too long. I couldn't even recall the games from the beginning after watching it, let alone a day later. I haven't seen the Xbox showcase yet, and I'm not sure if I will as I don't own one. But it's bound to be better simply because it's shorter.
The much-anticipated game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, was recently revealed by Xbox, causing quite a stir among fans. As the Monday letters page gave its verdict on the weekend's two showcases, one reader expressed their hope that Hollow Knight: Silksong would make an appearance at the Nintendo Direct. It was clear that fans were buzzing with excitement and eager to join in on the discussions themselves.

Xbox truly outdid themselves with their recent showcase. They have certainly learned how to put on an impressive event. While many expected the Sony showcase to be lackluster, Xbox surprised everyone with their showcase, showcasing a variety of exciting games. On the other hand, the Summer Game Fest did not seem to leave a lasting impression, with no standout games coming to mind. The final game they revealed seemed to be a paid advertisement, which left some fans feeling disappointed.

The Summer Game Fest seemed to drag on forever, making it difficult for viewers to stay engaged. Xbox, on the other hand, had a shorter but equally impressive showcase with many high-profile games. Although some may argue that Xbox's success is due to buying their way to the top, it is evident that they have learned how to use their developers to their advantage. However, it was hard to ignore the cringey and insincere segues to the executives, which were the low points of the showcase.

It is worth noting that Xbox did not showcase any live service games or Japanese games, debunking rumors about the return of Blue Dragon. Overall, it was a fantastic showcase and possibly the best one yet, even surpassing last year's event. Some may say that Xbox has copied Sony's format from previous years, but now it is time for Sony to take a page out of Xbox's book and make their comeback.

The recent Xbox showcase was nothing short of impressive. As someone who owns a PlayStation 5 and has no interest in Xbox, I can still appreciate a well-executed event. It is clear that Sony is not putting in as much effort as they used to, and it seems like they are running out of steam and unable to compete with Xbox anymore. Despite this, Xbox managed to put together an exciting showcase, visually appealing and free of unnecessary fillers. Whether one is a fan of the games showcased or not, it was undeniably well done.

While some may criticize Xbox for not mentioning their multi-platform games, their focus was on showing off their lineup and giving fans something to look forward to. In this aspect, they succeeded. The showcase was a win for Xbox, and they have set the bar high for future events.

The Summer Game Fest, on the other hand, was a long and tedious two hours. With most of the interesting announcements already leaked beforehand, it left little to be excited about. The constant stream of indie games made it seem like they were trying to make up for the lack of quality games. And let's not forget the Civilization 7 reveal, which turned out to be nothing more than a pre-rendered teaser. However, it was a delightful surprise for the reader who had requested it the day before.

Moving on to a different topic, a reader suggested The Wind Waker as the next Zelda remake, and I couldn't agree more. The dungeons in that game are some of the best in the series, and I would love to see it remade with all the cut content added back in. It is unlikely that Nintendo will do it, as it would mean admitting to the game's flaws. However, it would be a dream come true for fans.

The Summer Game Fest seems to have set a new record for being the most unimpressive two-hour event. Despite showcasing a variety of games, it failed to leave a lasting impression. The Blumhouse Games section was a refreshing change, but it was the only highlight of the event. In contrast, the Xbox showcase, which I have yet to watch, seems to have done a better job in a shorter amount of time. It just goes to show that sometimes less is more.

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