X took action against over 180,000 accounts in India last month for violating its policies.

In India, Elon Musk's X Corp banned over 180,000 accounts for promoting child sexual exploitation, non-consensual nudity, and terrorism on Twitter.

May 11th 2024.

X took action against over 180,000 accounts in India last month for violating its policies.
Recently, there has been some major shake-ups happening at X Corp, the company founded by Elon Musk. In India alone, between March 26 and April 25, a staggering 184,241 accounts were banned by the micro-blogging platform. The primary reasons for these bans were related to promoting child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity. This is a concerning issue that needed to be addressed, and X Corp took swift action to remove these harmful accounts from their platform.

But that's not all - the company also took down 1,303 accounts that were promoting terrorism on their platform in India. In total, 185,544 accounts were banned during this reporting period. This is all in accordance with the new IT Rules, 2021, and X Corp has been diligent in complying with these regulations. They have even set up a grievance redressal mechanism to address any concerns raised by users in India.

During this time frame, X Corp received 18,562 complaints from Indian users. These complaints ranged from various issues such as ban evasion, hateful conduct, sensitive adult content, and abuse/harassment. The company also processed 118 grievances that were related to appealing account suspensions. Out of these, 4 account suspensions were overturned after a thorough review of the situation. However, the remaining reported accounts remain suspended.

In addition, X Corp also received 105 requests from Indian users with general questions about their accounts. This shows that the company values transparency and is willing to address any concerns or queries from their users.

It's worth noting that in the previous reporting period, between February 26 and March 25, X Corp had already banned a staggering 2,12,627 accounts in India. This includes 1,235 accounts that were promoting terrorism on their platform. It's clear that the company is committed to keeping their platform safe and free from harmful content.

In conclusion, X Corp has been actively taking measures to remove harmful accounts from their platform in India. They are also transparent in their processes and are willing to address any concerns or queries from their users. With these efforts, they are making a positive impact on their online community and creating a safer online environment.

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