Woman undergoes multiple surgeries to remove six organs due to being diagnosed with rare cancers in a short time.

This has been the most difficult period of my life.

July 25th 2024.

Woman undergoes multiple surgeries to remove six organs due to being diagnosed with rare cancers in a short time.
Hayley Shaw was caught off guard when she received not one, but two shocking diagnoses within just weeks of each other. As a mother, she was understandably concerned and worried about what the future held for her. The first diagnosis came in June 2023 when she began experiencing pelvic pain and heavy periods. After seeking medical attention, she was told she had two cancerous uterine polyps, a rare form of uterine cancer that usually affects older women. Hayley was then informed that she would need a hysterectomy and would no longer be able to have children due to an induced menopause. Just when she thought she was dealing with one major health issue, she was hit with another.

In August 2023, Hayley was admitted to the hospital once again, this time with abnormal lymphocytes in her blood. After further testing, she was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia called "hairy cell leukemia," named after the hair-like growths on the surface of the cells. The news was devastating as she was informed that 91% of her bone marrow and 69% of her blood was made up of leukemia cells. Hayley described the second diagnosis as surreal and difficult to process. She had always been an active and healthy person, working in image consultancy, and this sudden turn of events had a major impact on her life.

Hayley underwent chemotherapy in November and is scheduled to have a biopsy to determine if she needs further treatment. She also requires regular check-ups for her uterine cancer, as there is a possibility of the polyps returning. Due to her total hysterectomy, she had to have her uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes removed. This was a major change for her, both physically and emotionally. Hayley explained that the whole experience has been the most traumatic time of her life, not only for herself but also for her son who had to witness her struggle.

Throughout her journey, Hayley has had to deal with being a single mother and facing discrimination because of her condition. She mentioned that it has been difficult for her son as well, who was only ten years old when she received her diagnoses. Despite trying to shield him from it, he found out and was understandably traumatized. Hayley also shared that she felt discriminated against and "ghosted" by some of her friends who were not there for her during this difficult time. It was a painful realization, but she found comfort in connecting with others who were going through similar situations.

Hayley's future treatment will depend on how her body responds to the treatments she has already undergone. She will have another biopsy to determine the success of her chemotherapy, and if the leukemia cells are still present, she will need further treatment. Unfortunately, her type of leukemia cannot be cured, so it is something she will have to live with. As for her uterine cancer, there is still a chance of it returning, even after having six organs removed. This means she will need to continue with regular check-ups every four to six months. Hayley shared that between November and now, she has had to go for check-ups for both conditions quite frequently, sometimes even three or four times a week, which has been exhausting.

Despite all the challenges she has faced, Hayley remains determined to raise awareness for others going through similar situations. She believes that talking to others who have been through similar experiences can be a source of comfort and support. She found a strong community of people who were knowledgeable about her conditions and were able to offer her valuable advice and support. To mark a year since her first diagnosis, Hayley even climbed the O2 to raise money for the Leukaemia Care charity. Despite coming down with a virus and experiencing fever and bone pain, she was able to complete the climb. Hayley is a true fighter and serves as an inspiration to others going through their own battles.

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