Ugadi is a Hindu festival celebrated to mark the start of a new year. It's celebrated with prayers, special food and traditional customs.

Learn about the traditions and customs associated with the new year.

March 22nd 2023.

Ugadi is a Hindu festival celebrated to mark the start of a new year. It's celebrated with prayers, special food and traditional customs.

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Gladly celebrating Ugadi 2023, households across the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana will begin their preparations a week prior, cleaning their homes and adorning it with mango leaves and coconuts as decorations. On the day, families will shower and apply perfumed oil, perform prayers at their temple, and prepare festive dishes such as pachadi and obbattu. Pachadi is a chutney dish comprising of tamarind, raw mango, and flowers which symbolises the mixed experiences of the coming year, and obbattu is a roti-like bread stuffed with sweet jaggery jam and dipped in milk. A gudi is erected at the entrance of the house, which is believed to ward off negative vibes and bring about prosperity and health.

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On this joyous occasion of Ugadi, wishes of joy and prosperity are exchanged and a gudi (made of a bright yellow or saffron coloured cloth, mango leaves, and a neem branch) is hoisted in front of every house. The gudi symbolises a celestial tool against all negative vibes and to usher prosperity, fortune, and health for everyone.

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