Woman in Texas shoots Uber driver, claiming he was trying to kidnap her.

Copas claims self-defense after fatally shooting her Uber driver, but El Paso PD determined that the driver did not attempt to kidnap her.

June 24th 2023.

Woman in Texas shoots Uber driver, claiming he was trying to kidnap her.
Phoebe Copas is facing murder charges after fatally shooting her Uber driver, Daniel Piedra Garcia, in the head on June 16th. Copas claims she thought Piedra Garcia was attempting to kidnap her, but the El Paso Police Department's investigation has found no evidence of such.

Copas was in Texas visiting her boyfriend when she ordered the Uber to bring her to a nearby casino. While in the car, Copas reportedly saw highway signs for Juarez Mexico and grew paranoid, leading her to draw a revolver and shoot the innocent man in the wrist and the back of the head. After the car crashed due to his injuries, Copas sent a picture of the scene to her boyfriend and called 911.

The El Paso Police have made it clear that the driver was never off-course from her destination and never posed a danger to Copas. Copas is currently being held on a $1.5 million bond and Daniel Piedra Garcia passed away on Wednesday after being taken off life support.

Ana Piedra, Daniel's wife, created a GoFundMe to request for financial support for their family, as Daniel was the sole provider. She described him as "very happy to finally be able to work and bring home income" as an Uber driver.

Another Piedra Garcia family member spoke to a news outlet about the incident. They expressed shock at the news and shared that "no one deserves that". They also discussed how assumptions can be made based on media reports or social media, which is not always true. They finished by sharing that "they miss him" and "he didn't deserve that".

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