Woman angered by 4 hour wait for police after calling 911.

A mother in Chicago is concerned about the slow response from the police department to her call reporting a home invasion.

May 20th 2024.

Woman angered by 4 hour wait for police after calling 911.
A concerned mother in Chicago is speaking out about her recent experience with the Chicago Police Department. Michelle, who wishes to only use her first name, is raising awareness about the department's failure to respond promptly to a call she made about a home invasion.

According to NBC 5, Michelle had to wait a total of four hours before any police officers arrived at her home. She recalls leaving her door open around 12:30 PM after letting her dog out, which unfortunately provided an opportunity for two masked men to enter her residence.

"I saw them standing inside my house and immediately screamed that I was calling the police. They ran away," Michelle told reporters.

After quickly chasing them with a neighbor, Michelle followed through on her threat and called 911. However, she was instructed to wait outside and ended up calling multiple times before finally getting through to a dispatcher. She even requested to speak to a supervisor on her sixth attempt.

"A gentleman got on and told me that they had no units available to send me. There was an awkward pause and he even suggested that I call my alderman to encourage him to hire more police. He even asked if I had a weapon or considered getting one to defend myself," Michelle recalled.

Despite the delay, Michelle does not blame the police department, acknowledging that they are overstaffed and overwhelmed. However, city politicians like 1st Ward Alderman Daniel LaSpata are seeking accountability and change from the Chicago Police Department.

LaSpata shared a statement expressing his support for Michelle and his efforts to provide resources for the 12th District police. He also mentioned working with the city on a proposed satellite location within West Town for the district.

"It's awful that our neighbor had to experience this. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their own home," LaSpata wrote.

It is important to note that this is not an isolated incident. In South Carolina, a man called 911 with the intention of luring deputies into a shooting. These situations highlight the need for improvement and accountability within our law enforcement agencies.

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