February 11th 2025.
Are you feeling tempted? The letters page on Tuesday seems to be unimpressed by Sony's compensation for the PSN outage. One reader even believes that a new God of War game set in Greece is not a good idea. If you want to join in on the discussion, simply send an email to the provided address.
Please take note that there will be no Inbox on Wednesday due to staff illness. But don't worry, normal service should resume on Thursday. Let's talk about risk-takers. One thing that gives me confidence about the launch of Nintendo Switch 2 is that they are willing to take a "risk." Of course, this risk refers to producing a large quantity of consoles without being certain if they will all sell. But in the world of gaming and other industries, it's usually the smaller companies that take these risks, while the big ones stick to the same old formula.
I don't believe in idolizing any company, but I do have more faith in Nintendo when it comes to hardware and games. On the other hand, Sony seems to be taking a risk with whether they can get away with not properly compensating for the PSN outage. That's why I have decided to purchase a Switch 2 at launch. Although it may not seem like a risk since I can easily sell it if there are any issues, I want to support companies that make an effort and don't take their customers for granted. I'm curious to know who else is planning to get a Switch 2.
Moving on to another topic, the idea of sending Kratos back to Greece, whether it's a prequel or not, seems pointless to me. The newer games are successful because they have moved away from the edgelord attitude of the originals and have made Kratos a more complex character. Even if they plan to remake the originals, it seems unnecessary. The series is great because Kratos' character evolves and making changes to that seems like a bad idea.
I understand that they may be concerned about where to take the series next. I don't think anyone is interested in Atreus, and I'm not sure what a game set in Egypt would be about. Is Kratos just going to keep killing gods for no reason? In reality, the story has reached a natural end for everyone, and there doesn't need to be another game. But of course, it will continue because it sells, and like everything else, it can never truly end.
Now, let's talk about Monster Hunter. To be honest, I've always hoped for its success, even though I have no interest in playing it myself. It's the only major franchise from Capcom that I don't enjoy, yet it's their most successful one. There are many reasons why I don't like it, but the main one is the clunky and awkward combat. It's the complete opposite of all their other action games, and it used to bother me. However, I soon realized that the success of the game helps fund the games I do enjoy, such as Resident Evil, the new Onimusha, and hopefully the rumored new Devil May Cry. So, in a way, I consider myself a Monster Hunter fan, not because I enjoy playing it, but because I want it to succeed for the sake of other games.
Send in your comments to the provided email address! Moving on, I think it's a lesson for all publishers that even a giant company like Take-Two is delaying the PC version until they can do a proper job. So many PC versions of console games are terrible at launch because they are rushed to be released at the same time as the console versions. Even separate releases for Sony games are often bad, even though they have had enough time to work on them.
Games not working at launch may still be a problem for consoles, but it's common on PC, and I'm tired of it. I hope Rockstar will do a good job now, but I believe their main concern is stopping mods, so they want to delay the release until after the console version is sorted out.
Now, let's move on to the much-anticipated Switch 2. I'm still waiting for a third-party company to accidentally reveal something about it and see how Nintendo will respond. I think it was a wise decision to delay the Nintendo Direct until April. The initial reveal showed very little, so people are now busy speculating and generating more hype. This is why I think the modern trend of not announcing a game until close to its release is a bad idea. The earlier you know about a game, the more excitement and anticipation it creates. It's only when you keep hearing about a game a hundred times before it's out that it becomes annoying. This is not an issue at the moment!
The only downside to Nintendo's approach is that people may begin to assume certain things, and when that's not what happens, they may get disappointed. However, I don't see much of that happening. We have very little information about what will be shown, so as long as there is some good content, it doesn't matter what it turns out to be.
Are you feeling tempted? The Tuesday letters page has some interesting discussions going on. One reader shared their thoughts on Sony's compensation for the PSN outage, while another believes that a new God Of War game set in Greece would not be a good idea. If you want to join in on the conversation, you can email us at the provided email address.
However, please note that there will be no Inbox on Wednesday due to staff illness. But don't worry, we will resume our normal service on Thursday.
Speaking of risk-taking, I have confidence in the upcoming launch of the Nintendo Switch 2 because they are taking a risk. Of course, it's not the kind of risk that involves making a new game or introducing a new concept. It's more about manufacturing a large number of consoles without knowing for sure if they will all sell. But in the games industry, and many other industries, it's the smaller companies that take these risks while the big ones stick to their usual routine.
That's why I admire Nintendo and would be more willing to take a risk on their hardware and games compared to any other company. It's a shame that Sony seems to only take risks when it comes to getting away with not compensating their customers for the PSN outage. Personally, I am planning to buy a Switch 2 at launch, even though it's not much of a risk and I can easily sell it if there are any issues. I believe that companies that put in effort and don't take their customers for granted should be rewarded. I'm curious to know if anyone else shares my thoughts and is also planning to get a Switch 2.
Moving on to another topic, the idea of sending Kratos back to Greece in a new God Of War game doesn't seem appealing to me. The recent games in the series are good because they have moved away from the previous games' edgelord attitude and have given Kratos more depth as a character. Even if they plan to remake and retcon the original games, I don't see the point. The current series is successful because of the character growth of Kratos, and messing with that would be a terrible idea.
But I do understand that the developers might be struggling to come up with new ideas for the series. I doubt anyone is interested in playing as Atreus, and I can't imagine what a game set in Egypt would be about. Is Kratos just going to kill more gods for no reason? In reality, every character's story has a natural end, and there doesn't necessarily need to be another game. But since it is a successful franchise, it will keep going because it sells. That's just how it works in the industry.
Moving on to a different game, I find myself hoping that Monster Hunter will be a big hit, even though I have no interest in playing it myself. It's the only major Capcom franchise that I don't enjoy, but ironically, it's also their most successful one. There are many reasons why I don't like it, but the main one is the awkward and clunky combat. It's the complete opposite of all of Capcom's other action games, and for a while, I resented it. However, I realized that the success of the Monster Hunter games helps fund other games that I do like, such as Resident Evil, the new Onimusha, and possibly a new Devil May Cry. So in a way, I consider myself a Monster Hunter fan, not because I enjoy playing it, but because I want it to do well for the sake of the other games.
If you have any thoughts on this, feel free to email us at the provided address.
In other news, the recent delay of the PC version of Take-Two's game, and their reasoning behind it, serves as a lesson to all publishers. Even a giant company like Take-Two understands the importance of taking the time to make a proper, functioning PC version. It's common for PC versions of console games to be poorly optimized at launch because they are rushed to release at the same time as the console versions. But even when they release separately, like Sony games, they still often have issues despite having ample time to work on them.
As a PC gamer, I'm tired of buying games that don't work at launch. I hope that Rockstar will do a decent job with the PC version, but I have a feeling that their main concern is preventing mods, which is why they are delaying the release to focus on that after the console versions are out and running smoothly.
On a more positive note, I'm eagerly anticipating any news about the Switch 2. I keep hoping that a third-party company will accidentally reveal something, and I'm curious to see how Nintendo will respond to that. I think it was a smart move to wait until April for the Nintendo Direct. The initial reveal of the console was so vague that people are now creating their own speculations and increasing the hype. This is why I believe that the modern practice of announcing a game close to its release date is a bad idea. The earlier we know about a game, the more we anticipate it. The only downside is when people start to make assumptions and get disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way they expected. But for now, with such little information, I don't see that being an issue.
As always, feel free to share your thoughts on this matter by emailing us at the provided address.
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