February 11th 2025.
Who were you before the responsibilities and expectations of adulthood took over? It's easy to get lost in the daily grind and forget about the carefree, vibrant version of yourself from your childhood. But with the upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius, its opposing sign of Leo is calling upon our inner child to come out and play.
Full Moons always bring a moment of pause in the month, giving us the opportunity to reflect, ponder, contemplate, review, and release. It's a time for more thought than action. And this Full Moon, in particular, is urging us to connect with our inner child – the part of us that is authentic, untouched by the burdens of adulting, and full of life. Our inner child wants us to embrace new adventures, show off our playful side, and feel loved.
So, during this lunar illumination, what does your happiest child version want you to think about, reflect on, or learn? Let the tarot reveal your inner child's message and guide you on this journey of self-discovery.
Aries, where will The Chariot take you? This card represents your inner child's message for the Full Moon in Leo. It's a call to action, urging you to embark on a physical adventure to an uncharted territory, preferably a place that your inner child would have been thrilled to visit. Whether it's a foreign country, a different state, or even your own hometown, make sure it feels like an adventure. Trust that this journey will awaken a sense of purpose within you.
Taurus, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. The Queen of Swords is your inner child's messenger for this Full Moon in Leo. It's time to toughen up and put your strength into protecting your interests and boundaries. Remember that not everyone has your best interests at heart, and it's okay to put up barriers and boundaries to protect yourself.
Gemini, it's time to realize your potential. The Hierophant is your inner child's chosen card for this Full Moon. This is a vote of confidence from your childhood self, as you have become the kind of person they would have believed in and trusted. You are ready to take on a position of leadership, authority, and expertise. Embrace this role and use it to guide and care for others.
Cancer, something from your past can unlock your future. The Hermit is your inner child's messenger for this Full Moon in Leo. It's time to revisit a childhood memory and understand how it relates to your current emotional state. There may be a childhood behavior or belief that is still influencing your actions and thoughts. Unpack these ties and liberate yourself from limiting beliefs to take a leap forward.
Leo, let your inner child guide the way. The Seven of Cups is your inner child's chosen card for the Full Moon in your sign. It's urging you to tap into your creativity and imagination, just like you did as a child. Engage in activities that bring your fantasies and imagination to life, whether it's drawing, reading, playing make-believe, or daydreaming. This will unlock a wave of new ideas and inspiration.
Virgo, it's time to break free. The Six of Swords is your inner child's messenger for this Full Moon in Leo. It's time to let go of something that no longer serves you. You may have been aware of this for the past six months, but now it's time to take action and free yourself from a commitment, position, connection, or self-limiting belief. Draw a line and move on with hope and optimism.
Who were you before adulthood took hold? This question often brings a sense of nostalgia and longing for the carefree days of childhood. It's a reminder to reflect on who we were before the responsibilities and expectations of adulthood took over.
As we approach the next Full Moon on February 12th in the sun sign of Aquarius, we are also reminded of its opposing sign, Leo. Full Moons always bring a pause in the month for us to reflect, ponder, contemplate, review, and release. It's a time for more thought than action.
This Full Moon's Leo energy is a direct call to our inner child. It's a reminder of the vibrant, authentic, and unsullied version of ourselves that wants to show off, play, and be in thrall to new adventures. Our inner child also craves love and acceptance.
So, what does this happiest child version of you want you to consider, reflect on, or receive as wisdom during this month's Full Moon? Let the tarot reveal your inner child's message to you.
Aries, this Full Moon in Leo has a special message for you. It's time to take action and go on a physical adventure to someplace new and uncharted. This could be overseas, in your own country, or even in your own hometown. The key is to embark on an adventure that your inner child would have loved. It will awaken something purposeful within you.
Taurus, your inner child is encouraging you to stand up for yourself during this Full Moon in Leo. The Queen of Swords card symbolizes strength and protection. It's time to put your own interests and territory first. Don't be afraid to put up barriers and blocks to those who don't have your best interests at heart.
Gemini, the Hierophant card represents a vote of confidence from your childhood self. You have become the kind of person that your inner child would have believed in and trusted. You are ready for a position of leadership, expertise, and authority. Embrace this role and guide others with care and compassion.
For Cancer, the Hermit card speaks of revisiting a childhood memory to gain a deeper understanding of your current emotional state. Something from your past may be influencing your present. By freeing yourself from any childhood beliefs or behaviors, you can take a great leap forward.
Leo, the Seven of Cups card asks you to tap into your creativity and imagination, just like you did as a child. Engage in activities like drawing, reading, or dressing up to unlock your inner fantasies and ideas. This practice will bring a sense of playfulness and inspiration to your life.
Virgo, the Six of Swords card is a reminder to break free from anything that no longer serves you. Your inner child is urging you to cut ties and move on from something that has been holding you back for at least six months. It's time to liberate yourself and move forward with hope and optimism.
So, as we reflect on who we were before adulthood took hold, let us also listen to the messages from our inner child during this Full Moon in Leo. They hold valuable wisdom and guidance for us to live more authentically and joyfully.
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