Why do people think with their ego

The ego is a concept in psychology that refers to the part of the human psyche that mediates between the individual's conscious and unconscious experiences.

It is often thought of as the "self" or "I" and is responsible for a person's sense of identity and self-esteem. The ego also plays a role in decision-making, as it helps to balance the demands of the individual's desires and the demands of reality. 

It is also considered as the executive part of the psyche that controls the impulses generated by it.


Ego: Psychological concept


explain ego


The ego is a concept in psychology that refers to the part of the human psyche that mediates between the individual's conscious and unconscious experiences. It is often thought of as the "self" or "I" and is responsible for a person's sense of identity and self-esteem. The ego also plays a role in decision-making, as it helps to balance the demands of the individual's desires and the demands of reality. It is also considered as the executive part of the psyche that controls the impulses generated by the id.




why do people think with their ego

People often think with their ego because the ego is closely tied to a person's sense of self and self-esteem. The ego is responsible for maintaining a positive self-image and protecting the individual's self-concept.

As a result, people may make decisions and form opinions based on what they believe will make them look good or boost their sense of self-worth, rather than what is objectively true or best for them. Additionally, the ego can create a sense of self-importance and lead people to believe that their perspective and opinions are more valid than those of others.

This can lead to a lack of empathy and an inability to consider alternative viewpoints.









