Why did a stranger leave a child's suit, goggles, and tights outside a house?

Kristina was unsure if it was a stalker or a harmless joke.

June 9th 2024.

Why did a stranger leave a child's suit, goggles, and tights outside a house?
Are you ready for your next true crime podcast binge? Well, get ready because this one is a real mystery that will have you hooked from the very beginning. It all started on a cold December evening in 2009 when Kristina, a woman in her fifties, returned home from a weekend away. As she made her way to her veranda, she noticed something strange flapping in the wind - a tiny three-piece navy corduroy suit. It was so small that it could only fit a 10-year-old, but with her son all grown up, Kristina had no idea who could have left it there. Living in a remote area by a lake, she was sure that the person behind this must be someone she knows.

Determined to solve this mystery, Kristina tucked away the suit in her wardrobe for safekeeping and began questioning everyone she knew. But no one seemed to have any information about the mysterious suit. Then, 18 months later, another strange present appeared on her veranda - a small suitcase containing a collection of random items. This time, Kristina was starting to feel scared. Was this a sign of something more sinister? She couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching her and waiting for her to leave.

Kristina's search for answers led her to question her own safety. Could she have a stalker? Or was this just a friend playing a silly prank? She even considered going to the police, hoping that it would scare the culprit into confessing. But even after a year of interrogating her friends and family, she still had no leads. Frustrated and scared, Kristina eventually gave up and accepted that she may never know the truth.

Fast forward 15 years, and Kristina's mysterious case has caught the attention of a true crime podcast team. Lauren Kilby, a former advertising executive turned amateur detective, along with her friends Karen and Helen, are determined to crack this case. Their first season, which focused on a public poo incident at a wedding reception, was a hit and now they're back for more.

As they dive into the case of the tiny suit, the trio realizes that even their closest friends and family may have secrets. With their unique investigative techniques, including lie-detector tests and undercover work, they hope to finally uncover the truth. And with the added pressure of not being able to solve their previous case, they're determined to make this one count.

But as they get closer to finding answers, the team discovers something unexpected and shocking. And it seems like this mystery hits close to home for Lauren, as Kristina is her mother-in-law. With the pressure on and tensions rising, the trio must navigate through a web of lies and deception to get to the bottom of this strange case.

And the twists and turns don't end there. Lauren reveals that she has recently become a victim of a similar crime, receiving a large amount of mayonnaise from an unknown sender. With their trust in others shattered, the team realizes that anyone could be capable of these bizarre acts.

But even as they continue to uncover new evidence and interrogate suspects, the original mystery of the public poo remains unsolved. However, Karen and Lauren tease that there may be updates and potential bonus episodes in the future.

So, from the creators of the hit podcast "Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding?" comes a new season filled with suspense, twists, and shocking revelations. Get ready to join the detectives as they piece together the puzzle in "The Case of The Tiny Suit/Case," available on all podcast platforms. And who knows, maybe you'll even learn a thing or two about trusting those closest to you.

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