Why are video game companies neglecting older games? - Reader's Feature

Reader upset at being ignored by PlayStation & Xbox as an older fan, feels pushed towards PC gaming.

May 25th 2024.

Why are video game companies neglecting older games? - Reader's Feature
Are game publishers only interested in a certain demographic now? As an older fan, I can't help but feel ignored by PlayStation and Xbox, who are constantly pushing me towards PC gaming. It seems like the current state of gaming is all about profits and publishers are panicking that they're not making the right kind of games. Suddenly, single-player games are no longer in fashion, as if all the fans who loved them in the past have disappeared. But that's not the case. I'm only 38 years old, which doesn't seem too old to me, and none of my friends enjoy live service games. We may dabble in them occasionally, but we definitely don't want to spend all of our time and money on them.

Unfortunately, it seems like publishers don't care about what I want. They're only interested in making games that cater to younger players because it brings in more money. This means that us adults, who are more sensible with our spending, are left out. It's frustrating to see the industry prioritize microtransactions and cosmetics over the type of games that made us fall in love with gaming in the first place. The excuse is that games have become too expensive to make, but instead of finding ways to reduce costs, it seems like they're just funneling everything into live service games.

Just this week, I read a report stating that console sales are flat, mobile gaming is on the decline, and PC is the only platform seeing growth. This doesn't come as a surprise to me at all. Both PlayStation and Xbox have been making questionable decisions in the past year and have released very few games that piqued my interest. When you don't have any exciting exclusives to offer, it's no wonder people are turning to other options. And the PC is looking like a more attractive choice every day. How Sony and Microsoft don't see this is beyond me.

Another factor driving people towards PC gaming is the fact that it's not tied to the interests of Sony and Microsoft. It has a vast library of games, both old and new, and thousands of exclusive indie titles that the consoles would never even consider. Unlike the consoles, it's a one-stop-shop for all your gaming needs. And as someone who's not easily swayed by marketing tactics, I feel like I'm no longer their target audience. It's disheartening to see that everything I value and appreciate in gaming is being overlooked by these companies.

But that's okay. As the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens. And in this case, the door to the PC gaming world is wide open. Sony and Microsoft may have accelerated their own decline by trying to prevent it. But for me, it's time to move on. There are plenty of alternatives to these aging console brands, and I'm ready to explore them.

So the question remains, are Sony and Microsoft inadvertently pushing players towards PC gaming? As a reader named Pr0metheus, I believe they are. And I'm not alone in this sentiment. It's time for the industry to re-evaluate its priorities and cater to all types of gamers, not just the ones who bring in the most profits. Because at the end of the day, it's the fans who keep the industry alive, not the other way around.

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