What if Microsoft bought Nintendo? What could the next gen Xbox console look like? Could we see Final Fantasy on Switch 2?

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September 20th 2023.

What if Microsoft bought Nintendo? What could the next gen Xbox console look like? Could we see Final Fantasy on Switch 2?
Nintendo are not up for sale, and the corporate intrigue surrounding the Microsoft leaks only confirms this. The email from a billionaire exec that suggested Microsoft could buy Nintendo was quite frankly disgusting, revealing a lack of humility and understanding of Nintendo's distinct ethos.

Nintendo has consistently flourished due to its ability to control its own hardware, and create games that cater to its hardware. It's this careful balance between hardware and games that makes Nintendo so successful. To think that Microsoft could come in and strip away all the unique qualities that make Nintendo what it is, just for their own gain, is unacceptable.

The idea that Microsoft have no clue what they're doing in the gaming industry is quite clear. It's obvious they don't understand the culture of Nintendo either, and the thought of them trying to 'save' Nintendo with a mole in the board of directors is simply horrific.

I'm a gamer who owns both a Switch and an Xbox, and I understand that both provide me with different gaming experiences. I believe it's this uniqueness that sets Nintendo apart from the competition, and it's a shame that Microsoft don't realise Nintendo's success has been built on much more than just great games. They're also innovators, pushing boundaries with ideas like the Labo VR Kit and creating an immersive gaming experience with the Joy-Cons.

It's clear that Nintendo are not interested in selling, and I hope Microsoft fails in their attempt. It's outrageous to think they could come in and know what's best for a company that's been through so much to get to where it is today. The only thing Microsoft should be concerned about is their own lack of understanding and humility.
Nintendo are not up for sale, and that's final. It's a shame to hear about Bethesda's Indiana Jones game, but it looks like the corporate world still has other plans in mind. Microsoft recently leaked an email about buying Nintendo, and it's an absolute shocker. It's clear they don't understand how Nintendo functions.

The way Nintendo creates hardware for its games, and games for its hardware, is completely unique. This level of flexibility and creativity is exactly why Nintendo is so successful. But Microsoft's attempts to buy them and undermine their creativity is absolutely disgusting. It's obvious they're not interested in what's good for Nintendo or gaming, they just want to strip mine creatives and destroy what makes them unique.

It's clear Microsoft doesn't have a clue what they're doing in this industry. No matter how much money they have, the Japanese government would never allow it. The thought of Nintendo being swallowed up by an American mega corporation is just horrific.

As a Switch and Xbox Series S owner myself, I can say I appreciate both consoles for their different experiences. But no matter how much money they have, Microsoft doesn't understand the ethos of Nintendo. They're missing the point of what makes Nintendo great - the games are only half the story. It's the quirky, Innovative ideas that the console is capable of that sets it apart from the pack.

To think Microsoft thinks they know what's best for a company that's been around for 150 years is ridiculous. They're totally missing the point. Telling a Nintendo fan that you know what's best for them is like telling a Lego fan to stop messing about with plastic building blocks and just buy a model of the real thing. It negates the idea of why they’re into it in the first place.

I don't think Microsoft will ever succeed in buying Nintendo. But their attempt to do so has certainly brought a lack of trust and even more stubbornness from Nintendo. Let's hope Xbox fails and Nintendo can continue to stand strong on their own.

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