We're a fitness-loving family who all exercise daily.

Can't believe people say they don't exercise - I don't get it.

November 13th 2023.

We're a fitness-loving family who all exercise daily.
Claire Gleave and her family from Broadstairs have a unique approach to fitness - they enjoy daily workouts come rain or shine. As Claire puts it, “To us, it’s very normal, like eating three meals a day.”

The Gleave family have a packed schedule of family workouts including football, running, Pilates, weight training, swimming, and climbing. Even their friends are into fitness. “To some people,” Claire says, “what we do in a week would seem extreme.”

But Claire isn't concerned about her kids' physical and mental well-being. She explains, “For us, exercise is as normal as eating three meals a day and I couldn’t imagine not being that way.” She adds, “When someone tells me they don’t do any exercise, I cannot fathom that.”

Claire has done plenty of intense workouts herself, having run 13 marathons and 10 London marathons - three of them while pregnant. She recalls getting funny comments and looks when she was running pregnant, but also whoops and cheers from American tourists. She notes that it is perfectly fine to run in pregnancy and adds, “It made me realize that even in early pregnancy you do notice a difference in your body and breathing.”

For the Gleave family, the trick is to not view exercise as exercise. Weekends involve Park Runs and football training, before family swimming on a Sunday. Claire’s in-laws often help out with drop-offs and pick-ups when the schedule gets too hectic. She laughs, “My family often see my social media posts and my sister will message me saying she’s still in bed!”

“While we may have a busy schedule,” Claire explains, “I don’t tend to watch my children playing matches or training and it’s something I refuse to feel guilty for.” Despite the full schedule, the Gleave family make sure to still have time for other activities, like screen time.

The Gleave family’s approach to fitness is an inspiring example of how exercise can become a part of your daily life. As Claire says, “I couldn’t imagine living my life with no fitness.”
Claire Gleave and her family have an active lifestyle and enjoy a daily workout. As Claire puts it: to them, 'it's like eating three meals a day'.
The Agency recently had the chance to get a glimpse into how the nation is raising their kids, and we came across Claire from Broadstairs, who exercises with her husband Oliver, 44, and three children, Alfie 12, Sebastian 10, and Max 8.
The Gleave family partake in various energetic activities, no matter the weather, such as football, running, Pilates, weight training, swimming and climbing.

When asked about their routine, Claire said that ‘to some people what we do in a week would seem extreme if they looked at our schedule. But to us, it’s very normal.'
The family carry out a variety of activities every day, such as football and climbing, while Claire hits the pavement for a run and tempo training. On Saturdays, Oliver takes part in Parkrun while the children attend football.

It appears that Claire and her family have a lot of friends who have similar interests in fitness. She also believes that working out has positive benefits for both physical and mental health.

Claire further stated that ‘For us, exercise is as normal as eating three meals a day and I couldn’t imagine not being that way. I am equally as shocked by people that say they do no exercise at all. I just cannot comprehend that for my physical or mental wellbeing!'

Claire is well-acquainted with the world of fitness, having run 13 marathons, 10 London marathons, and three of them while pregnant. She also mentioned that she got funny comments and looks when she was running, but also got plenty of cheers from the American tourists.

Furthermore, Claire believes that it is perfectly fine to run in pregnancy and recalls that she found out she was pregnant with her second son, Sebastian, when she did a 15-mile race.

Finally, Claire emphasizes that the key is to not view exercise as a chore. She says that when the schedule gets too hectic, her in-laws help out with drop-offs and pick-ups to make sure everyone gets to their designated workouts. She also points out that her family often sees her social media posts about her running and exercises, but she refuses to feel guilty about not watching her children play matches or train.

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