We grew to a family of 9 in 3 years and couldn't be more joyous.

They toured Europe for 6 months as a family of 11.

November 14th 2023.

We grew to a family of 9 in 3 years and couldn't be more joyous.
Maxine and Jake Young had always dreamed of having a large family together, and they certainly made it happen. After they got married in 2016, the American couple decided to open up their home to four foster children. In 2017 they welcomed the four siblings into their family, and just a year later they welcomed their first biological child.

But that wasn't the end of it. In 2019, the Youngs decided to adopt their four foster kids and one month later they discovered they were expecting quadruplets. In a matter of three years, their family had grown from zero to nine children.

Despite the drastic lifestyle change, the couple couldn't be happier. They've made a point to keep doing things they love, like travel. The family of 11 even went on a dream trip around Europe, taking a 15-seater van to 14 countries across the continent.

Many people were surprised that the Youngs would take such a large family on a trip, but they said they've never looked back. Jake said, "You'd expect it would have been insanity travelling around Europe for six months with nine children, but luckily all our kids travel well and it all went smoothly for the most part."

Life in a household of 11 has become normal to the Youngs and they've learned to make things work. Maxine is a stay-at-home mum who juggles homeschooling the three oldest children and getting the other six kids ready to head out each morning. In February, they began homeschooling all of their school-age kids before their trip and when they returned to the States they decided to ask each child what they'd prefer.

Jake's advice for couples with large families is to wake up early enough. He said, "Getting up and out the door each morning can be a challenge because it can be chaotic getting everyone dressed, doing their hair, and shoes on, and getting in everyone in the van. However, it's all part of the fun." He added, "The whole family works together as a team to get the chores done. When the kids reach about five or six they start getting involved with helping out."

The Youngs' top tip for managing such a large brood is a regimented routine. They also have a membership to a bulk buying store to stock up on things like nappies and toilet paper.

But despite the logistical challenges, Jake said the best thing about being part of such a large family is the love. He said, "At the end of a hard day, I just look at all my kids so happy and healthy and it's amazing." He also said, "My mantra for parents is to take care of yourself. My family need me at my best, and if I am not at my best and I am struggling in some way, then it affects my family too."

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