We didn't reveal our pregnancies until we had our babies.

Parents are now "hard-launching" their babies, similar to how relationships are started.

February 4th 2024.

We didn't reveal our pregnancies until we had our babies.
Genesis Paras, a 33-year-old woman from California, was determined to keep her pregnancy a secret. She looked out of her window, making sure no one was around before quickly running outside despite being nine months pregnant. She grabbed the parcel the postman had left and rushed back inside. Why was she going to such great lengths to keep her pregnancy hidden? Well, almost nobody knew about it. Not her colleagues, closest friends, or even her grandmother. This was a new trend that was taking things to a whole new level.

In the age of social media, it's common for couples to announce their new relationship status on platforms like Instagram, a trend known as "hard launching." But now, a new trend has emerged where expecting mothers keep their pregnancies a secret until the very end. They then reveal the news through a post or video of their newborn child. This isn't just about keeping the news off the internet like celebrities Kylie Jenner and Halle Bailey have done, but it's a complete lockdown of the pregnancy. This includes wearing baggy clothes, staying at home, and keeping the news even from family and friends. The trend has become popular on TikTok, with expecting mothers sharing their experiences.

One TikTok creator, Miranda Zilkowsky, from Canada, kept her pregnancy hidden for nine months and called it one of the best decisions she's ever made. She didn't have a baby shower or a gender reveal, but she said it made the experience even more special. Another TikToker, Victoria, surprised her family with her newborn baby after keeping her pregnancy a secret. Her mother's reaction was priceless.

For Genesis, the decision to keep her pregnancy hidden was born out of past trauma. She's a mother of four, but her first child, Billie, passed away in 2018. Billie was a long-awaited baby, and Genesis had always wanted a girl. They had a big and happy baby shower, but when Billie was born, she was diagnosed with an infection and passed away at just two days old. It was a devastating experience for Genesis, and she struggled to understand what had happened.

Despite the loss, Genesis and her husband, Errol, decided to try again. On Billie's first birthday, they announced they were expecting a baby boy. However, Genesis couldn't fully enjoy the pregnancy. She was constantly worried that something would go wrong, and she would often get messages from people asking how she was holding up, which reminded her of Billie. She also had to constantly monitor the baby's heartbeat at home. Fortunately, she gave birth to a healthy son, Adonis, who is now four years old. But when she found out she was pregnant again in March 2021, they decided to keep it a secret.

Genesis didn't want the pressure or fear of telling everyone, and when they found out they were having a girl, they felt even more sure about keeping it a secret. The Covid-19 pandemic made it easier for them, as they couldn't go out much, and Genesis would hide her growing belly with baggy clothes. She also left her job, so work wasn't an issue. They only told Errol's parents when she was five months pregnant, and they were shocked.

Keeping the pregnancy hidden wasn't easy, as Genesis had to hide from neighbors and even the postman. But in the end, it was worth it for the couple. They were able to keep this special time just for themselves without any outside pressure or fear. And when they finally revealed the news to their loved ones, their reactions were priceless. It was a special and unique experience for Genesis, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
The sun was beginning to set as Genesis peered out of her window, cautiously scanning the street below. She couldn't risk anyone seeing her, especially at nine months pregnant. With the coast clear, she took a deep breath and made a run for it, determined to complete her mission.

She quickly retrieved the parcel left by the postman and hurried back inside. It was always a challenge to move around with her growing belly, but she managed as best she could. This covert operation was necessary because almost no one knew that she was expecting a baby. Not her colleagues, her closest friends, or even her own grandmother.

In today's world of social media, it's common for couples to make a big announcement about their relationship status with a mushy post on Instagram. But a new trend has emerged, taking things to a whole new level. It involves keeping the pregnancy a secret until the baby is born, and then revealing everything with a single post or video online.

This trend has gained popularity on TikTok, with expecting mothers sharing their experiences and emotions through videos. One such creator, Miranda Zilkowsky, from Canada, kept her pregnancy a secret for nine months and described it as one of the best decisions she ever made. Despite not having the usual baby shower or gender reveal, she found the experience to be incredibly special.

Another TikToker, Victoria, surprised her parents by arriving at their house with her secret newborn. The shocked expression on her mother's face when she saw the baby for the first time was priceless. These heartwarming videos have captured the attention of many, but for Genesis, 33, the decision to keep her pregnancy hidden was rooted in a painful past.

In 2018, Genesis tragically lost her first child, a daughter named Billie. She and her husband, Errol, longed for another baby and were overjoyed when they found out they were expecting a boy on Billie's first birthday. But the fear of losing another child loomed over Genesis, making it difficult for her to enjoy the pregnancy.

Constantly worried about something going wrong, she would often get messages from people asking how she was doing, which only reminded her of Billie. The trauma and anxiety took a toll on her mental health, and she found solace in monitoring the baby's heartbeat at home. Despite everything, she gave birth to a healthy son, Adonis, who is now four.

When Genesis became pregnant again in March 2021, she and Errol decided to keep the news to themselves. The fear and pressure of sharing the news with everyone was too much for them to handle. They also worried that something might go wrong, and they wouldn't be able to have a daughter as they had hoped.

The Covid-19 pandemic made it easier for them to keep things under wraps, as they didn't have to go out much. Genesis would wear baggy clothes and strategically hide her growing belly whenever she did go out. She even left her job at four months pregnant to avoid any unwanted attention.

The only people who were in on the secret were Genesis' parents, as she and Errol lived with them. They didn't tell anyone else until she was five months along, even keeping it from Errol's parents until then. When they finally revealed the news, Errol's parents were shocked and overjoyed, just like everyone else who found out about Genesis' pregnancy after months of secrecy.

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