"Watch tonight's turning point with Gogglebox's Stephen Webb - your perception of him may be off."

Stephen's closest pal has stood up for him.

September 5th 2024.

Ella Morgan has always been fiercely loyal to her best friend, Stephen Webb. But with his recent appearance on Celebs Go Dating sparking criticism from some viewers, Ella wasted no time in rushing to his defense.

For those who may not be familiar with the show, Celebs Go Dating follows the romantic endeavors of famous personalities. However, for Ella and Stephen, it has become the birthplace of a beautiful friendship. So it comes as no surprise that Ella has found it particularly difficult to see her close friend facing negative backlash.

Despite being known for her sharp and witty commentary on Gogglebox, Ella has been deeply affected by the criticism directed at Stephen. The 56-year-old has been accused of being an "old pervert" for dating younger men, and even broke down in tears over the fear of being judged.

In one episode, Stephen asked 31-year-old Dean, a diving instructor, some sexual questions which left him feeling humiliated. As expected, viewers had a lot to say about the awkward interaction, with some even calling Stephen a "n*b." This was especially hard for Ella to hear, as she has always been a huge fan of her best friend.

But despite the mixed reactions to Stephen's dating tactics, there is one person who has always been in his corner - Ella. In a recent interview, Ella expressed her unwavering support for Stephen, saying, "He is my best friend, and I know we will be best friends forever." She also reminded him that not everyone will like him or understand his sense of humor, but that's okay.

Ella herself has been on the receiving end of criticism, but she has learned to brush it off. However, when it comes to her loved ones, she becomes fiercely protective. "It upsets me when people say things about my friends or family," she admitted. But she also believes that as long as you stay true to yourself, the opinions of others should not matter.

She also finds it a bit confusing that people are shocked by Stephen's jokes, considering that his personality has always been celebrated on Gogglebox. But she believes this may be due to seeing him as an individual for the first time, rather than with his mom or former partners. Stephen split from his husband last year, who was his longest Gogglebox sofa mate.

When asked if the backlash towards Stephen could be considered homophobic, Ella replied, "Yeah." She went on to praise her best friend's kind soul and wicked sense of humor, stating that he knows who he is, and that's all that matters. She also pointed out that criticism is something they have both experienced, with former Coronation Street actress Helen Flanagan also facing backlash for revealing she had a secret boyfriend.

Ella admits that she was shocked by Helen's revelation, but it doesn't bother her that she wasn't entirely truthful. She understands that not everyone goes on the show with the same intentions, and everyone's journey is different. As long as they are happy and true to themselves, that's all that matters to Ella.
Ella Morgan and Stephen Webb have been the closest of friends for quite some time now. However, Stephen recently appeared on the popular show Celebs Go Dating and received harsh criticism from some viewers. But, not to worry, Ella has come to his rescue and is fiercely defending her best friend.

The show, which follows the love lives of famous individuals, has not only been a source of entertainment but has also brought Ella and Stephen together in a beautiful friendship. So, it's no surprise that Ella, who rose to fame through Married At First Sight, has found it difficult to see Stephen being targeted by negative comments. Despite being a well-known couch critic on Gogglebox, Stephen has faced backlash and even broke down in tears over concerns of being perceived as an "old pervert" for dating younger men.

In one particular episode, 31-year-old diving instructor Dean felt humiliated after Stephen asked him some personal and sexual questions. Viewers reacted to the awkward exchange, with one even calling Stephen a "n*b". However, in the midst of all this criticism, Stephen has found a staunch supporter in Ella, who has firmly stood by his side.

"Stephen is my best friend, and I know we'll be best friends forever," Ella shared with The Agency. "We've spent the last few days together, and I reminded him that not everyone will like him, and that's okay. I know who he is, and I know his sense of humor. I always remind him that it's just a TV show, and the negative comments from people who are quick to judge him are not worth his time."

Ella herself has been feeling upset by the backlash, as it's hard for her to see her best friend being targeted. "It upsets me, especially because he's my best friend," Ella revealed. "But, there is a turning point in tonight's episode that people should watch. People forget that the show is a journey, and things can change."

In today's society, where cancel culture is prevalent, Ella tries her best to stay true to herself and not be filtered. "You have to be careful with what you say because everyone is so quick to cancel you," Ella explained. "But, if you constantly filter yourself, you won't be able to enjoy life authentically. Stephen and I can be a bit crude at times, but that's just who we are, and we embrace it."

Ella also finds it a bit confusing that people are surprised by Stephen's crude jokes, as his personality has always been celebrated on Gogglebox. However, she believes that it may be because people are seeing him as an individual for the first time, rather than with his mum or former partners. Stephen recently split from his husband, Daniel Lustig, who was his longest Gogglebox sofa mate.

When asked if the backlash towards Stephen could be considered homophobic, Ella replied with a resounding "yes". "He is an incredible person with a kind soul and a wicked sense of humor," Ella shared. "Thankfully, he knows that. But, unfortunately, people will always have negative things to say about all of us. Even Helen [Flanagan], who has been receiving backlash lately for admitting to having a secret boyfriend."

Ella was just as shocked as everyone else when Helen, a former Coronation Street actress, revealed her secret relationship on the show. "I had absolutely no idea!" Ella exclaimed. When asked if it bothered her that Helen wasn't entirely truthful about her intentions on the show, Ella replied, "Not at all. I knew that not everyone on the show was there for the same reason, and that's okay. Everyone has their own intentions, and we can't please everyone."

It's clear that Ella and Stephen have each other's backs through thick and thin, and their friendship is a beautiful example of true loyalty and support. Despite the criticism and negativity, they both continue to be themselves and embrace their unique personalities. As Ella said, "You can't please everyone, but as long as you're true to yourself, that's all that matters."

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