In Emmerdale, Will's mistake puts him in danger as his stalker seeks revenge.

He is overwhelmed by fear.

September 5th 2024.

In Emmerdale, Will's mistake puts him in danger as his stalker seeks revenge.
Will Taylor was in a difficult situation. He was being blackmailed, but he had no idea who was behind it. It could be Caleb, who had a vendetta against Will and his business partner Kim Tate. Or maybe it was Jimmy, who was struggling to keep his business afloat and could use the £10,000 that the blackmailer demanded. And then there was the possibility of Kim herself, who had recently found out that Will had slept with her enemy Rose.

Whoever it was, Will was terrified. This was no small feat, considering his past as a drug dealer and his original plan to murder the local vicar. But now, the fear of the unknown was consuming him. He was still dealing with the fallout of his relationship with his daughter Dawn, who had moved out of their home after discovering that Will had covered up Rose's disappearance, thinking that his wife had killed her.

To make matters worse, Kim had also turned her back on Will, refusing to answer his calls while she was away in Dubai. She had her own suspicions about Will's involvement in Rose's disappearance. So, Will was left to face his fears alone. And now, the blackmailer had demanded a large sum of money and a meeting.

Despite his fear, Will was determined to find out who was trying to control him. He prepared for the meeting, but just as he was about to leave, Caleb informed him that there was a fire at the barn where Moira and Ruby were trapped. Will was torn between meeting the blackmailer and helping to save lives, but ultimately, he followed Caleb and discreetly hid the money.

However, this meant that he missed the opportunity to pay off the blackmailer, who wasted no time in sending a threatening message about his mistake. Will was consumed with fear as he tried to help the Dingles with the fire. Had he sealed his own fate by choosing to save lives instead of paying off the blackmailer?

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