Watch out for the warning sign associated with your zodiac on this Friday the 13th.

Watch out for this message from the sky.

September 12th 2024.

Watch out for the warning sign associated with your zodiac on this Friday the 13th.
The 13th of September, 2024 is fast approaching and for some, the date is associated with bad luck. Being a Friday, it has been given the label of 'unlucky' by those who are superstitious. Surprisingly, this belief is relatively new, only gaining popularity in the 1800s. Prior to that, the notion that Friday the 13th was unlucky was not a widespread belief, aside from some Norse mythology and religious connotations of the number 13 being associated with misfortune. However, during the 19th century, the idea of this day being filled with bad omens gained traction through various plays and stories across Europe. It quickly caught on and became deeply rooted in our popular culture.

But if we take a closer look at the origins of this belief, we can see that there is really nothing to fear. In fact, when it comes to astrology, Friday the 13th is just like any other day. So instead of dreading this day, let's use its energy to see it as a day of omens. Not omens of impending doom or bad luck, but omens that act as friendly 'nudges' to guide us back on track, towards the right direction and doing what we should.

To fully embrace this concept, I will use tarot cards to draw out a sign or omen for each astrological sign. Keep an eye out for it on the 13th and when you encounter it, take the suggested action!

Aries, from March 21st to April 20th, should look out for a bright light on this Friday the 13th. This symbolizes enlightenment, represented by The Hermit's lantern, a glow of knowledge amidst the chaos of life. When you come across a sparkling, glowing light, take a moment to be still and calm your mind. You may be surprised by the insights that emerge. Seek solitude as soon as possible and sit quietly with your thoughts. An amazing revelation awaits you.

Taurus, from April 21st to May 21st, should look out for the scent of cinnamon on this day. The Death card represents transformation and change, often compared to the phoenix rising from the ashes. Interestingly, phoenixes are known to make their nests with cinnamon bark. So when you catch a whiff of this scent, you are close to a person, place, idea, or situation that will bring about powerful and lasting change in your life.

Gemini, from May 22nd to June 21st, should keep an eye out for a special book on this Friday the 13th. As a sign that is always eager to learn, this book will offer some kind of promise or spiritual enlightenment. The Hierophant is a spiritual guide, while Gemini is a natural student. The knowledge found in this book will be valuable and reading it will open new doors for you.

Cancer, from June 22nd to July 23rd, should look out for a dandelion tuft on this day. When you spot one, catch it and make a wish. The Star card is known as the tarot's wish card, symbolizing a dream come true. Use the dandelion tuft as a manifesting talisman to ignite your dreams.

Leo, from July 24th to August 23rd, should be on the lookout for compliments or praise for a job well done on Friday the 13th. The Knight of Coins represents hard work and dedication. So when someone acknowledges your efforts, take a moment to thank them and find out what made them happy. You can learn from this gratitude and use it to build on in the future.

Virgo, from August 24th to September 23rd, should keep an eye out for spilt liquid on this day. It could be a cup of tea, an overflow at the sink, or even a puddle on the sidewalk. The Eight of Cups is linked to the element of water and signifies accepting disappointment and moving on to the next opportunity. Seeing the spilt liquid will serve as a reminder to let go of something unworthy in order to make room for something better.

So instead of fearing Friday the 13th, let's embrace it as a day filled with omens and trust that they will guide us towards a better, more fulfilling path.
The day is often associated with bad luck, especially when it falls on a Friday. September 13th, 2024 is one such day, and for those who are superstitious, it's considered an "unlucky" day. However, this belief is a relatively recent one, stemming from plays and stories in the 19th century that portrayed the day as one filled with bad omens. This idea soon caught on and became ingrained in popular culture.

But when we take a closer look at the origins of this belief, we realize that there is really nothing to fear. In fact, for those who follow astrology, Friday the 13th is just like any other day. Instead of viewing it as a day of impending doom or bad luck, we can see it as a day of omens. These omens can serve as friendly reminders or nudges to guide us back on track, towards our true purpose.

For this Friday the 13th, I will use tarot cards to draw out a sign or omen for each zodiac sign, which can be used as guidance for the day. Aries, your sign to look out for is a bright light, symbolizing enlightenment and the discovery of knowledge in the midst of chaos. When you come across a sparkling, glowing light, take a moment to be still and clear your mind. This will lead to a valuable insight that can help you on your journey.

Taurus, your sign to look out for is the scent of cinnamon, a symbol of transformation and change. This scent may appear in the form of a perfume, drink, or even a random waft. When you encounter it, know that you are close to something or someone who will bring about powerful and lasting change in your life.

Gemini, your sign to look out for is a special book that will offer you spiritual guidance and enlightenment. Your natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge make you a lifelong student, and this book will hold valuable information that will benefit you greatly.

Cancer, your sign to look out for is a dandelion tuft, which represents the tarot's wish card. Use this as a manifesting talisman to make a wish and ignite your dreams. The universe is ready to grant you your heart's desire, you just need to believe it.

Leo, your sign to look out for is praise or compliments for a job well done. This will come in the form of appreciation and nods from those around you. Take a moment to thank them and learn from their gratitude, as there may be a lesson that can help you in the future.

Virgo, your sign to look out for is spilt liquid, symbolizing disappointment and the need to let go of something unworthy. This may be a cup of tea, an overflow at the sink, or a puddle on the street. Accept this disappointment, process it, and move on, as there is a new opportunity waiting for you just around the corner.

Friday the 13th may be associated with bad luck, but it doesn't have to be. Let's use this day as an opportunity to tune into the signs and omens around us, and use them to guide us towards our true purpose and desires. Remember, the universe is always sending us messages, we just need to be open to receiving them.

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