Readers discuss the potential high price of the PS5 Pro, rumors of a new Switch model, and concerns about the future cost of the PS6.

Readers are shocked by the high price of the PS5 Pro, with one person comparing it to the expensive Sega Saturn.

September 12th 2024.

Readers discuss the potential high price of the PS5 Pro, rumors of a new Switch model, and concerns about the future cost of the PS6.
The recent reveal of the PS5 Pro and its jaw-dropping price has left many of us stunned. It's hard to believe that a gaming console could cost so much, and it's even more concerning when we consider the potential implications for the future of console gaming.

As one reader pointed out, this situation brings to mind the Sega Saturn, a console that ultimately failed due to its high price point. With Microsoft potentially stepping out of the console market in the future, the fear is that Sony and perhaps even other companies like Apple may take advantage of the lack of competition and inflate prices even further.

It's hard to forget the days when we could purchase a brand new Xbox 360 with three games for only £200. But as times change and technology advances, it seems that the cost of gaming consoles is following suit. While some may argue that the power and capabilities of the PS5 Pro justify its high price, others, like myself, are content with their current consoles and see no need for more power.

Of course, for those who have the means and desire to upgrade to the PS5 Pro, go for it. After all, it is a luxury item, and we shouldn't forget that mobile phones often cost more. But with the release of the Pro, we can also expect to see a flood of used PS5 consoles hitting the market, as some may choose to trade in their current console for the upgraded version.

As someone who falls into the target market for the PS5 Pro, I've been eagerly awaiting its release. I usually own all three consoles each generation, but with the responsibilities of starting a family, I've had to stick with my trusty Switch and skip out on the Xbox One and PS4. However, with the recent lockdown, I gave in to FOMO and decided to invest in a PS5. But with the scarcity of consoles, I ended up purchasing an Xbox Series X instead.

Unfortunately, the Series X has not lived up to my expectations, and I find myself drawn to Sony's exclusive titles. But with the PS5 Pro's exorbitant price tag, I'm left questioning who has that kind of disposable income to spend on a gaming console. And let's not forget the additional costs for a game and a stand, which can bring the total price close to a thousand pounds. It's a tough sell to justify spending that much money on a console when there are so many other things we could do with the money.

In light of the current state of Sony and Microsoft, I can't help but think that now would be the perfect time for Nintendo to swoop in and reveal the Switch 2. Although it may have a slight impact on current hardware sales, the overwhelming positivity and support they would receive would far outweigh any potential drawbacks. Plus, with the Switch 2's expected backwards compatibility, it would keep software sales strong and steady.

As someone who has yet to jump into this latest generation of consoles, I've been holding off, mainly because I still have a backlog of games to catch up on. But as I approach the point where I'm ready to make the leap, the PS5 Pro's price has made me reconsider. I had hoped for a max price of £600, but at £700, it's just too much. Suddenly, the PS5 Slim is looking like a bargain without Sony even having to reduce its price. It's hard not to see this as a calculated move by the company.

The recent announcement of the PS5 Pro has left many of us with a bitter taste in our mouths. It's hard to fathom spending so much money on a console that offers only marginal improvements in performance. And while we may think that there is a market for such a high-end console, the reality is that most frame rate and resolution-obsessed gamers turn to high-end PC gaming, not consoles. And with limited exclusive titles, it's challenging to justify the cost of the PS5 Pro.

Looking at the components and the current state of the world, it's understandable why Sony has priced the PS5 Pro at £699.99. But the question remains, is it worth it? And is there even a significant market for it among enthusiasts? Only time will tell, but it's safe to say that the price vs. performance ratio may turn the PS5 Pro into a niche product.

And as one reader pointed out, let's not forget that the console does not even come with a stand, which is just ridiculous. It's clear that Sony was more focused on whether they could launch the most expensive console ever rather than considering if they should.

The recent price reveal of the PS5 Pro has left me and many others in disbelief. It's hard to wrap our heads around why Sony would think that their UK and European fans would be willing to pay such a high price for a console that offers such minor improvements. And to add insult to injury, the price differences across regions suggest that Sony believes their customers in these regions will simply fork over the cash without question.

It's clear that the company expects us to pay a premium for the chance to play games that are only slightly improved from their previous versions. And while they may be trying to avoid upsetting their American audience and pushing them towards their competitor, the Xbox, it's hard to ignore the arrogance and greed behind this decision.

As a longtime fan of Sony, it breaks my heart to see them taking this path. But as Shakespeare once said, the course of true love never did run smooth, and it seems that Sony's descent into greed and monopoly has only just begun.
The recent announcement of the PS5 Pro and its price has left many gamers in disbelief, especially considering the current state of the world. One reader compares the situation to the release of the Sega Saturn, highlighting their fears for the future of the console industry. They never expected the PS5 Pro to cost so much and are reminded of a time when consoles were much more affordable.

Another reader, who is the target market for the PS5 Pro, shares their thoughts on the exorbitant price. They mention how they usually own all three consoles each generation but due to starting a family, they have stuck with their trusty Switch. However, with the recent shortages, they were forced to purchase an Xbox Series X instead of the PS5. They mention their disinterest in Microsoft's first-party games and their openness to getting a PS5 for Sony's exclusives. However, the steep price of £700 or even £800 for the disc drive makes them question if it's worth it.

A reader suggests that Nintendo should take advantage of the current negativity surrounding Sony and Microsoft and do a surprise reveal of the Switch 2. They believe this would create a buzz and generate positive attention for Nintendo, potentially saving them millions in marketing costs. They also mention that the Switch 2 is already highly anticipated and would not affect current sales of the Switch.

Another reader shares their thoughts on the PS5 Pro, stating that they have not yet made the jump to the latest generation of consoles. They have been catching up on PlayStation 4 games and have played and enjoyed recent cross-gen releases on their 10-year-old PlayStation 4. They had considered getting the PS5 Pro, but the steep price has now made them lean towards the PS5 Slim. They also express cynicism towards Sony's intentions.

A reader shares their disappointment and loss of faith in Sony, comparing it to a Shakespearean tragedy. They mock the minor improvements to graphics and question if it's worth spending £700 on a console just for those small changes. They express their disappointment with Sony's greed and monopoly.

Lastly, a reader reflects on the price differences for the PS5 Pro across regions and believes Sony is overcharging their UK and European customers. They mention the absurd mark-up and question if Sony thinks their customers in these regions will pay over the odds for small improvements in games. They also note the discrepancy in prices for the disc drive and question Sony's intentions.

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