WA construction company in chaos as disaster unfolds, leaving business in a state of crisis.

Many customers are stuck in long construction projects, causing financial and emotional strain.

June 13th 2024.

WA construction company in chaos as disaster unfolds, leaving business in a state of crisis.
A popular construction company in Perth is facing backlash from numerous customers, causing concern for the state opposition who describe the situation as a "disaster in the making." The Western Australian government has promised to meet with Nicheliving in order to address the complaints of customers who feel trapped in never-ending building projects. Kathy Ellis, one of the affected customers, shared her distress saying, "This has ruined me financially. I am currently living in a camper trailer with my two teenagers, with no heating or air conditioning." Another customer, Adam Mostert, added, "Nicheliving makes big promises but delivers nothing in return."

Some of the dissatisfied customers had planned to confront the managing director of Nicheliving, Ronnie Michel-Elhaj, today. Tracey Bishop expressed her desire to speak to him personally and find out the reason behind the delays, stating, "We need something to be done. We can't continue living like this." However, when 9News Perth attempted to speak to Michel-Elhaj, they were asked to leave the premises. In response, the company stated that they are dedicated to completing all ongoing projects and urged the state government to provide more support.

Meanwhile, the opposition leader, Shane Love, called the situation a "disaster in the making" and emphasized the need for immediate action. He said, "This is a dire situation for the hundreds of customers who are stuck in limbo. It's time for the government to step in and help them." Kathy Ellis also revealed that she had written to the Commerce Minister, Sue Ellery, seeking assistance back in November. However, her request for help was met with a recommendation to contact Lifelong instead. The government took prompt action after the opposition raised the issue in parliament. Minister Ellery assured that she would personally meet with Nicheliving next week and get answers for the delays. Premier Roger Cook also spoke out, stating, "Nicheliving is a large company and they have a responsibility to fulfill their commitments to their customers."

In response, Nicheliving revealed that they have not received any government support for their building projects and called for more aid to be provided to established builders in these tough economic times. The company emphasized that they are doing everything in their power to complete the ongoing projects and meet the expectations of their customers. However, they also acknowledged the challenges they are facing and urged the government to take necessary steps to support the construction industry.

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