A $1 million reward offered for information on the unsolved 1980 murder of a Melbourne mother in her bookstore.

Ex-husband hears Maria James on phone, then finds her stabbed and tied up.

June 13th 2024.

A $1 million reward offered for information on the unsolved 1980 murder of a Melbourne mother in her bookstore.
A tragic and unsolved case that has haunted the city of Melbourne for over four decades has recently resurfaced with a glimmer of hope. Maria James, a beloved mother and bookstore owner, was brutally murdered in her own shop on a seemingly ordinary Tuesday morning in 1980. The shocking news shook the community and left her two sons, who resided with her, devastated and desperate for answers.

To aid in solving this cold case, authorities have announced a staggering $1 million reward for any information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator. This generous reward is a significant increase from the $50,000 previously offered in 1980. Detective Inspector Dean Thomas, who has been tirelessly working on this case, expressed his unwavering determination to bring justice for Maria and her family.

On the morning of her murder, Maria was seen by several witnesses in and around her property on High Street, Thornbury. At around 11:55 am, she made a call to her ex-husband, John, leaving a message for him to call her back. The purpose of her call was not disclosed, but she did mention that someone was in her shop. A little while later, John returned her call, but Maria was overheard speaking to another person before abruptly asking John to hold on. Although the conversation was inaudible to John, it was evident that something was wrong. When Maria didn't return his call, John became concerned and decided to check on her.

Upon arriving at the bookstore, John found both the front and back doors locked, but the "open" sign was still displayed. He forced his way in and made a shocking discovery. Maria was lying lifeless in her bedroom, with multiple stab wounds and bound hands. Her injuries were so severe that she was almost unrecognizable. As John was frantically trying to make sense of the horrific scene, he noticed that the front door was now unlocked, indicating that the killer may have still been inside when he arrived.

The investigation took a significant turn when two separate witnesses reported seeing a man fleeing from the crime scene shortly after the body was found. However, despite their descriptions being released to the public, the man has never been identified. This crucial piece of information has led the case to be reopened twice, in 1982 and 2021, but unfortunately, both times returned an open finding.

With this new development and the substantial reward, authorities are hopeful that someone will finally come forward with vital information. The Chief Commissioner of Police holds the discretion to grant the reward to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the offender. The Director of Public Prosecutions will also consider granting immunity to those who provide information about the principal offender or offenders involved.

Despite the passage of time, the police believe that there are still people out there who may hold the key to solving this case. They urge anyone with information to come forward and contact Crime Stoppers or submit a confidential report online. After 44 years, Maria's sons deserve closure, and the police are committed to providing them with the answers they deserve. As we wait for justice to prevail, let us keep Maria James and her family in our thoughts and prayers.

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