VP Kamala Harris shattered barriers in politics, but is still facing criticism for her achievements due to her gender.

GOP racist actions have led to DEI being removed from schools and businesses nationwide.

July 31st 2024.

VP Kamala Harris shattered barriers in politics, but is still facing criticism for her achievements due to her gender.
The phrase "DEI Hire" has gained notoriety as a new way to belittle and demean Black individuals, with Vice President Kamala Harris being the latest target. This acronym stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion, and refers to policies and practices in workplaces and schools that aim to support people of color and provide them with resources for success. However, it has recently been twisted by Republican leaders to attack the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and anyone who shares her skin color.

Various attacks on Harris, labeling her as a "DEI hire" or a "DEI candidate", showcase the disturbing ways in which racism can be wielded against Black people in positions of power, regardless of their impressive qualifications. In early July 2024, Representative Tim Burchett used this term to refer to her as a "DEI Vice President" during an impromptu interview. He questioned why President Biden had promised to choose a Black woman as his running mate, insinuating that white women and other groups were being overlooked. He went on to dismiss Harris as mediocre and imply that she only got the job because of her race.

When the interviewer, Manu Raju, suggested that Harris was a "DEI hire", Burchett wholeheartedly agreed. Representative Harriett Hageman also echoed this sentiment, calling Harris one of the "weakest candidates" she has ever seen and claiming that she was only chosen because of her race. However, a quick glance at Harris's resume, as verified by Forbes, tells a different story. The 59-year-old has an impressive background, having served as a prosecutor, attorney general, U.S. Senator, and graduate of Howard University and the University of California College of Law. She also made history as the first Black woman to hold the position of Vice President.

Many of Harris's colleagues and high-ranking legislators have spoken out against these attacks, questioning how people would react if a white man in politics was subjected to the same treatment. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican and former colleague of Harris, simply replied, "No." She found the notion of labeling someone a "DEI candidate" solely because they are not a white man to be absurd. Susan Rice, a Black woman who has held various high-level positions in politics, also condemned this mindset. She stated that being called a "DEI hire" by GOP leaders implies that the person is undeserving of their position, as if they only got there because of some unfair advantage.

Even former President Donald Trump has joined in on the attacks, calling Harris "dumb as a rock." His team members have also supported these disparaging remarks, with his communications director, Steven Cheung, stating that Harris is "dumb as a rock" and "dangerously liberal." While the Republican party has made efforts to eliminate DEI initiatives from educational institutions and companies, not all leaders share this narrow-minded view. Samuel Rivers Jr., a former Black conservative state representative from South Carolina, may not agree with all of Harris's policies, but he acknowledges her proven track record. He emphasized that Harris did not just suddenly become Vice President overnight, but has been elected multiple times, proving her worth and capabilities.

In conclusion, it is clear that the term "DEI Hire" is being weaponized to undermine and discredit Black individuals in positions of power. The insinuation that they are only there because of their race is not only insulting but also dismissive of their hard work and accomplishments. As a society, we must recognize and challenge these harmful attitudes and continue to fight for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our lives.

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