Viewers of The Apprentice were angry after Lord Sugar's clip during the finale "spoiled" the ending.

Viewers were disappointed to find out the result before watching.

March 24th 2023.

Viewers of The Apprentice were angry after Lord Sugar's clip during the finale

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Some viewers were convinced they knew Marnie was going to win due to the promotion of her gym

Marnie Swindells, 28, was elated when she was picked as Lord Alan Sugar's business partner, beating Rochelle Anthony, 35, to the £250,000 investment. However, some audiences complained that the results had been 'ruined' after a teaser clip was shared on the mogul's Twitter account on March 17, which showed him pointing his finger at the winner. Fans argued that it was 'clear' who the champion was and some noted that Marnie's gym had been promoted extensively. Marnie expressed her delight at being chosen, exclaiming: ‘What an incredible opportunity and moment for a girl like me to get to a place like this and have become Lord Sugar’s business partner.

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Marnie was ecstatic to be selected by Lord Sugar, saying it was an 'incredible opportunity' for her

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