Homeowner inundated with criticism for painting balcony in rainbow colors.

People are upset that an eye-catching structure detracts from the natural beauty.

March 24th 2023.

Homeowner inundated with criticism for painting balcony in rainbow colors.
Complainants allege that the attention-grabbing canopy is an eyesore that disrupts the view of the city's most renowned landscape. Ken Aylmer, the owner of an eco deluxe holiday home business and the house with the canopy, was prompted to apply for a retrospective Listed Building application in order to safeguard the property following a few complaints.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

One of the complainants said that the rainbow was 'inappropriate' and 'not fitting in with the colors of surrounding buildings'.

Mr Aylmer put up the canopy as a way of expressing his appreciation for the NHS and their support of LGBTQ+ rights, as well as a way to ‘put a smile on people’s faces’. To date, the application has acquired 47 letters of support, with only five objections. He mentioned that the Georgians were known for their use of color, with Brunel even wanting sphinxes on the Suspension Bridge. He argued that the entirety of the Paragon and Royal York Crescent's canopies may have been colorfully decorated at some point.

Complainants say the garish canopy ruins the view of the city’s most famous landscape. Businessman Ken Aylmer has received a number of complaints over his rainbow-painted canopy, which is situated atop a historic property on ‘The Paragon’ in Clifton in Bristol. Mr Aylmer said he put it up to ‘put a smile on people’s faces’, as a thank you to the NHS and in support of LGBTQ+ rights. To date, the canopy has recieved 40 letters of support and just five objections. Mr Aylmer said he realises the canopy is in the iconic view of Bristol, and that he should have sought permission for it. He also stated that the Georgians were passionate about colour and pushing the limits of what was possible at that time, citing the example of Brunel wanting sphinxes on the Suspension Bridge.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

He argued that the past is not a dull colourless sombre place and that there may have been colourful canopies on the Paragon and Royal York Crescent at some point.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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