Viewers of Netflix express strong disgust over the sickening romantic storyline in a TV show.

A fan expressed disappointment with the show, saying it was ruined for them and they felt devastated.

August 8th 2024.

Viewers of Netflix express strong disgust over the sickening romantic storyline in a TV show.
Honestly, I was completely devastated when I read that one fan wrote about how the show had been ruined for them. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I was a huge fan of The Umbrella Academy, and I had been eagerly awaiting the final episodes of season four. But then, the warning came: spoilers ahead. I was torn between wanting to know what happened and not wanting to have the show spoiled for me. In the end, I couldn't resist and read on.

As I delved into the article, I discovered that I wasn't the only one feeling this way. Fans were "screaming", "crying" and even wanted to "throw up" after an unsettling romance between two characters was revealed in the final season. And to be honest, I couldn't blame them. The whole thing seemed... off. But at the same time, it was also strangely compelling. I couldn't help but relate when the author said, "honestly... same." It was like they were speaking for all of us.

So, here's the deal. In season four of the insanely popular Netflix show, Five and Lila get stuck in a seven-year loop while trying to make their way back to their own universe. But the twist? Lila is now married to Diego, who happens to be Five's adoptive brother. Yeah, I know. It's a lot to take in. And it only gets more complicated from there.

You see, back in season one, it was revealed that when Five was just thirteen years old, he teleported into a post-apocalyptic future where he was stuck for decades. During this time, Lila and Five started to spend more time together in secret meetings about something called the Cleanse. And before we knew it, they had sparked up a romance. And let me tell you, fans were not happy about it.

I mean, can you really blame them? Not only did it feel strange for Five and Lila to be together when she first met him as a child, but she was also married to and had children with his brother. It was all just too much to handle. And when fans were forced to watch them kiss and then later find out that they had slept together, well, let's just say there were some strong reactions.

Twitter was abuzz with fans expressing their disappointment and disgust with the storyline. Some couldn't believe what they were seeing, while others were just plain angry. And the memes... oh, the memes. They perfectly captured the collective dismay of fans everywhere.

But perhaps the most upsetting part was that it seemed like a wasted opportunity. Fans were rooting for Five and Lila to just be friends, and they were also upset that Lila and Diego's dynamic from previous seasons had been thrown away for this new, unsettling relationship. As one fan put it, "Honestly ruined the show for me. I'm devastated."

And even the show's creator, Steve Blackman, admitted that he wasn't sure how fans would react to the storyline. He felt that Five needed a love story, given that he was a 64-year-old man in the body of an 18-year-old. But he also acknowledged that it was a risky move. And boy, did it cause a stir.

But despite all the backlash, there were still some fans who could see the reasoning behind it. Actor Aidan Gallagher, who plays Five, explained that this relationship was a key part of Five's character development in season four. And in a way, it did make sense. After all, he had been stuck in a child's body for decades, so it's only natural that he would crave a connection with someone.

In the end, whether we liked it or not, the Five and Lila storyline was a pivotal part of the show's final season. And while some fans may still be reeling from the shock, it's clear that this show will continue to surprise and divide audiences until the very end.

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