Some potential gaming news: PS5 may have a holiday discount, Nintendo Switch 2 could come out in May, and Deadlock isn't generating much excitement.

Thursday letters page praises Hellblade 2's visuals but criticizes its gameplay and storytelling, while another reader reminisces about 12 years of Sleeping Dogs.

August 15th 2024.

Some potential gaming news: PS5 may have a holiday discount, Nintendo Switch 2 could come out in May, and Deadlock isn't generating much excitement.
When it comes to the gaming industry, there are always debates about what is more important: a price cut or a new model. This topic was recently discussed on the Thursday letters page, where one reader shared their thoughts about the impressive graphics of Hellblade 2 but the lackluster gameplay and storytelling. Another reader reminisced about their 12-year journey with Sleeping Dogs.

While many are eagerly awaiting news about the possible release of the PS5 Pro or PlayStation 6, the lack of information from Sony makes it difficult to stay engaged. As one reader points out, the rumors and speculations seem to be ahead of Sony's actual plans. As a current PS4 owner, the reader personally hopes for a price cut rather than a new model. They missed out on previous price cuts this year, but believe that a permanent drop in price would benefit Sony in the long run. And with the added bonus of a bundled game like Astro Bot, the reader would gladly make the purchase this holiday season and not even think twice about the rumored PS5 Pro.

It's easy to get caught up in the hype of new specs and graphics, but for most people, price is the ultimate deciding factor. This is something that the reader believes we often forget. They even mention that they would be shocked if the PS5 wasn't cheaper during Black Friday.

Switching gears to the Nintendo Switch 2, there has been much speculation about a spring release date. However, one reader is doubtful that it will happen due to the usual summer games drought. They believe that most people are not interested in playing video games during the summer or while on vacation. Therefore, a May release would result in a loss of momentum for the new console. The reader predicts a September or October release, but is open to a pleasant surprise if it happens to be earlier.

In a completely different topic, one reader brought up the lack of GTA clones in recent years. This coincidentally falls on the 12th anniversary of Sleeping Dogs, a game that the reader believes was one of the last attempts to compete with GTA. They appreciated its better story and combat, but unfortunately, the game did not do well enough to warrant a sequel. Despite talks of a movie adaptation, the reader doubts that we will ever see a sequel.

The topic of game developers also came up, specifically with Valve and their new game, Deadlock. One reader expressed disappointment with the lack of creativity and originality, as it seems like a mash-up of two existing games, Overwatch and Dota 2. They admit that there's only so much you can do with an online shooter, but still hope for something more from the company. However, there are rumors of Half-Life 3 finally being in the works, which the reader eagerly anticipates. They miss the old Valve that used to create interesting and original single-player games.

On the topic of movie adaptations, another reader shared their thoughts on the Borderlands movie. They believe that it does not deserve its current 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but it does fall short of expectations. As a moderate fan of the games, the reader appreciated the film's faithfulness to the original game but couldn't help but question why they chose to adapt the first game instead of the more popular sequel. They also had issues with the script, action, and casting, but did find some positive aspects, such as the character Tiny Tina. However, the reader believes that the film failed to capture the most memorable aspect of the game - the four-player co-op mode.

In the ever-changing world of gaming, there will always be debates and discussions about what is more important. Whether it's a price cut, a new model, or a movie adaptation, everyone has their own opinions and preferences. But one thing is for sure, we will continue to eagerly await new releases and updates from our favorite game developers.
The video game community has been buzzing with speculation about potential new models of the PlayStation, but with Sony remaining tight-lipped, it's hard to know what to expect. One reader, Ramsey, is hoping for a price cut on the current PlayStation 5, rather than a new model. As someone who only has a PlayStation 4, Ramsey is more interested in affordability than the latest specs and graphics. The idea of a permanent price drop, along with a bundled game, has him eyeing a potential Christmas purchase. After all, for most people, price is the most important factor when it comes to buying a console.

On a similar note, GC chimed in with their prediction that the PlayStation 5 will likely see a price reduction during Black Friday. But they also brought up another hot topic in the gaming world: the release date for the rumored Nintendo Switch 2. Oscar shared his thoughts, expressing doubt that it will be released in the spring as some are speculating. He pointed out that a spring release would mean competing with the summer games drought, when many people are out enjoying the nice weather or on vacation. Instead, he predicts a fall release, though he wouldn't be opposed to a surprise earlier launch.

In the midst of all the talk about new consoles and potential sequels, reader Tostie brought up the 12th anniversary of Sleeping Dogs, a game that aimed to challenge the popular Grand Theft Auto franchise. Tostie enjoyed Sleeping Dogs and believed it was a successful attempt at beating GTA at its own game, with a stronger story and better combat. However, despite talks of a potential movie adaptation, it never received a sequel. Tostie also noted that with Activision as the publisher, the rights now belong to Microsoft, making a sequel even less likely.

Switching gears to a different company, Tolly shared their disappointment with the new game from Valve, Deadlock. Tolly found it to be a generic mash-up of two popular games, Overwatch and Dota 2, without much creativity or originality. They hoped that the rumors of a long-awaited Half-Life 3 being in the works were true, as they missed the days when Valve produced innovative and engaging single-player games.

On a completely different topic, reader Higgins shared their thoughts on the recently released Borderlands movie. While they didn't think it was a great film, they were surprised to see it sitting at 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. As a fan of the game series, Higgins found it to be a faithful adaptation, but ultimately lacking in humor, action, and strong casting choices. They also noted that the film missed the mark on what makes the Borderlands games so memorable - the four-player co-op aspect.

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